a friendly favor | five

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You really didn't expect to be so nervous about your date with Danny.

Hell, the two of you had slept together–twice including the sleepy, lazy sex that had occurred the last morning at the Kiszka lake house. He'd seen and touched all of you, and you had done the same for him. You'd cried in his lap with your tits out after confessing your embarrassing crush on him.

Still, even after days of pretending to be his girlfriend and all of that mess, you were buzzing with nerves as you watched the minutes slowly tick by. You'd gotten ready hours ago, too anxious to wait until a more reasonable time, and you were beginning to regret it as time seemed to move slower and slower as it drew closer to his designated time. Plenty of time for you to fret over your appearance, and ponder all the ways the date could go wrong.

Already you'd changed your outfit five times. In the end, you'd ended up in the same outfit you had started out in. The pile of clothes on your bedroom floor was the only hint that you'd ever changed at all, and you had tripped over it more than a few times as you paced around your space nervously.

You had attempted to fix your makeup, and only ended up doing a shit job at eyeliner and had to start all over. Since then you'd banished yourself from even looking in the mirror, which led you to where you sat on your sofa now. Ten more minutes were all that separated you and Danny, and those ten minutes felt like centuries.

It wasn't like you hadn't seen him in awhile, because that day was the first day you'd spent away from him since the two of you had returned to your apartments the week prior. If you weren't at his, then he was at yours, and the only reason it had taken a week to finally get around to your official date was because you both were more than happy to just be homebodies together. Tonight, though, he had insisted on taking you out.

Thinking of it made you grow nervous about your choice of outfit again. He had said to dress casual, that it wasn't anything special, but the anxious energy that consumed you made you question your choices. Were the ripped jeans too casual? Was the flowery shirt too fancy?

Luckily, Danny knocked on your door before you could get up and dig through your closet again. You didn't bother to hesitate as you raced to the door and threw it open, grinning excitedly at the man who matched your energy with a beaming smile of his own. He held his arms open expectantly, catching you as you raced into his chest like you'd done every day since the two of you had gotten home.

"Ready?" he asked, and you nodded enthusiastically.

Danny's fingers intertwined with your own, his warm hand enveloping yours and squeezing your palm tenderly. "Wait!" you suddenly exclaimed before he could lead you down the hall, his body freezing as he turned to you with wide eyes. "Where's my kiss?"

He scowled, though you could see his eyes twinkling with amusement and fond affection, and mused, "I think that's supposed to come at the end of the first date, angel."

It was your turn to scowl, pouting your lips indignantly at his teasing as you refused to budge from where you stood. He playfully tried to continue down the hall, tugging on your hand lightly before turning back with a faux sigh, "Fine, if you insist–"

You didn't wait for him to finish, snatching your hand out of his grip to clasp his cheeks tightly and drag his face to your own. "I do insist." you tutted, glaring playfully one more time before you pressed your lips to his. Immediately he relaxed into you, smiling against your lips as his thumbs tucked through the belt loops on your jeans to tug you flush with his body.

He chased after you when you pulled away too soon, smirking tauntingly as you chirped, "Okay, now I'm ready. Let's go." Danny simply shook his head, a dopey lovesick grin pulling at his cheeks despite his attempts to feign annoyance as he let you grab his hand again and drag him off toward the elevator.

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