Chapter 6

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I nodded and dozed off while a tear was running down my face, thinking about how I don't deserve him and his love

*Ayato's Pov*

I felt a tear on the shirt I was wearing, why is she crying? Who made her this way?

Who dared to hurt my Y/n?

-The next morning-

I woke up with a very nice sight, my beloved sleeping soundly right next to me

Silly girl, talking about how it's cramped here but her hands is telling me to not let go

Day by day it's starting to get hard to not give her a child

I slowly woke up and headed to my room and told the maids to prepare a bath for me

I sat in a hot bath and thought about yesterday

Specifically, Y/n crying yesterday

The samurai designated to guard on Y/n from afar only reported about Y/n failing miserably on her first day as Ayaka's lady-in-waiting, later on she made dango just to give it to her friend

What was her name again? Yoi.. miya? Isn't that the fireworks girl? Did she make her cry? If she did I'm gonna go make her and her family's future generation bankrupt for the rest of eternity, I swear to the Shogun herself

What made her cry so bad I wonder


"Thoma, come here for a bit" I said to him

"Yes, my lord? Is there anything I can help with?" Thoma answered immediately

"Do you know the fireworks girl? Yoimiya?" I asked

"Yes, my lord, she's a friend of mine" he answered

"Then.. how is she with Y/n? Is she a bad person?" I asked again

"My lord, why are you suddenly curious about both Yoimiya and Y/n? Did something happen?" Thoma asked worriedly

I glared at him and said "Answer. My. Question. Thoma."

"Yoimiya and Y/n is good friends, sir. Not once did they fight and in my personal opinion, she's not a bad person" Thoma said while bowing his head down

"Very well. Leave." I glared at him again

Thoma hurriedly leave the room, I should invite him for hotpot again someday

Thinking about Y/n suddenly reminded me of the first time we met when she started working at the estate


"Greetings, my lord. My name is Y/n L/n, I'll be a faithful servant to the Kamisato clan for this generation, sir"

L/n.. Not a surprising name to hear

"Yes yes, you can start by brewing tea for me, go now" I said coldly

The poor girl had shiver down her spine but obeyed me either way

"Wait" I stopped her

"Yes, my lord?" she turned around to face me

"While brewing the tea, put some milk in it, it's tastier that way" I said to her

"Got it my lord, I'll be doing it right away" she ran out of the room

I chuckled at her cute behaviour and continued doing my paperworks

A few years has passed by and the new recruited maid has been a familiar for me, I love her hardworking self and her profession in her career

And she has also been on my mind for a quite while

Its almost like

She have seduced me

I called Y/n over to my office and she has already brewed my, well now, our favorite tea

"My lord! Good to see you again!"

I smiled at her, relieved she doesn't fear me anymore

-End of flashback-

*Y/n pov*

I woke up to see Ayato has left my room and got ready for my second day

"Ah, Y/n, you're here, I believe you are feeling better than yesterday?" Lady Ayaka asked

"Yes my lady, I feel very refreshed" I bowed at her

"Well then, you can start by...."


It was already the end of the day and the day went by pretty smoothly both Lady Ayaka and I were relieved nothing has happened today

Perhaps, I suit this kind of position?

I thought about how yesterday I've forgotten to make Thoma's favorite miso soup but Lady Ayaka said he have some business with a Liyue pirate

So I decided to ask Ayato's bodyguard if he's in the estate

Which in response, he said yes

I head to the kitchen to make his favorite tea, just like the old days

I knocked on his office door with a tea set on my hands and heard the mumbled 'come in'

I got in and closed the door behind me and asked "Do you want me to brew you some tea, Ayato?"

"Oh.. Y/n, you know I always want to drink tea brewed by you" Ayato said while kissing my cheek

I pecked his lips in return and started brewing his tea, the same as I did in the past

We shared conversations with each other while drinking tea together and by the time it was already dark...

*Ayato's Pov*

Y/n has fallen asleep in my office..

The Kamisato estate's maid Where stories live. Discover now