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"It's time to show everyone, especially Tanjiro since he's your boyfri-"

"He's not my boyfriend, Hanako" You corrected her, although you wouldn't mind dating Tanjir-


"Come on, follow me!" She grabbed your hand, forcing you to follow her.

You thought you looked nice, so you weren't super anxious to see the others, but at the same time you were scared to see what their reactions were.

Being dragged into the room by a small girl probably looked weird to anyone who witnessed it, but you doubted anyone did, everyone was doing their own thing.

Finally walking beside the girl instead of her dragging you. Putting your hands neatly intertwined in front of yourself, you both walked into what seemed to be the kitchen.

"Okasan! Look! doesn't she look so pretty?" Hanako happily asked her mother about her work on you.

"Yes, she looks beautiful, Hanako." She turned and smiled towards you, then she continued to cook while Hanako grabbed your hand once again.

Stepping outside, you shivered slightly due to the sudden change in temperature.

Following behind Hanako, she led you to two of her older siblings, Tanjiro and Nezuko.

"Tanjiro! Look at Y/N"

It felt like everything went in slow motion, he turned his head to look at you with a wide smile, his smile dropped more he stared but a blush grew in it's place

You weren't stupid, you realized this, and it made you blush yourself.

Nezuko had no idea what was happening but she briefly heard about from her dear older brother, looks like he has a crush on you.

She slightly giggled at his reaction as he continued to stare at your form with a blush, honestly it felt like he was mentally marrying for how long he was staring.

Hanako snapped him out of it by asking, "What do you think Nii-chan?"

He cleared his throat and looked away briefly before returning his gaze to you once again.

"You look beautiful, Y/N"

If you weren't blushing before you definitely were now.

'He was definitely submissive and breedabl-'

Nezuko smiled at you and walked up to you, introducing herself.

"I'm Nezuko, it's nice to finally meet you"

You gazed into her eyes before clearing your throat and introducing yourself as well.

"I'm L/N Y/N, It's nice to meet you, Nezuko."

No wonder her older brother was whipped for you after only knowing for like two hours.

You were very pretty and you had such an angelic voice.

She had major bi-panic right there, as her face flushed she quickly said goodbye before going inside.

You just kind of stood their dumbfounded, but the other two Kamados knew exactly what happened, especially Tanjiro, since he was going through it himself.

He just sighed for his sister, and then his mother peeked out from the door and told them lunch was ready.

Following the siblings into their house, you saw the other two kids, and


'Well I guess that makes some sense, wiki only said he die some time before his family was slaughtered.'

He looked very frail, so you assumed he'll be bedridden completely very soon.

But other than him there was Takeo and Rokuta. Takeo looked to be 9 and Rokuta, 2.

They looked slightly surprised to see you, besides Tanjuro, Kie probably told him of your arrival.

Tanjuro greeted you with a fragile smile, and you smiled kindly back at him.

Tanjiro introduced you to his other two younger brothers as they sat and observed you.

"Hi, It's nice to meet you all. " you said to the three who sat at the table.

Nezuko came to your side and asked you if you wanted to sit next to her and obviously you said yes.

You and Nezuko went to sit down as Tanjiro followed behind you two.

You looked at the food in front of you and it was a lot, well never mind, it's a family of 7, plus you.

You all gave thanks then grabbed your portions, you made sure to be extra careful when wearing the kimono.

Finishing pretty quickly, you sat and listened to the conversation around you.

Tanjiro, why did you bring Y/n, if she isn't your girlfriend?"

He slightly blushed at the question but answered hesitantly.

"She accidentally ran into me, and wanted to buy food as an apology, but I felt bad and we came here instead. "

Shigeru's mouth just formed into an o shape.

Takeo just looked at him and started to say, "That sounds like flirti-"

"OH WOW that's so nice of Y/n to offer lunch, ahahah... " Nezuko said to change the subject for her poor older brother.

After she said that, all eyes drifted over to you. Noticing this you awkwardly shifted in your seat.

"Uh, yeah, I felt really bad when I ran into him.. "

"Well, it was sweet of you to offer anyways, Y/n" Kie said to you.

'god this is so awkward.. What do I even say to them.'

Zoning out, you let the others converse while you thought for a bit.

Not even realizing everyone was done eating, Nezuko tapped your shoulder.

"Y/n, are you okay? everyone's done eating and you've been zoned out for awhile"

Finally moving your gaze to her, you stood up and startes talking.

"Sorry, Nezuko I didn't even realized, I should probably head home soon."

She stood up next to you and grabbed both of plates.

"Really? so soon? If you really need to go, I understand, but I'd hate to see you leave already. "

Helping her clean up around the table, you wondered how long have you been here?

"Nezuko, how long have I been here? "

"Oh, uh, maybe around 2 hours? Hanako did take up a lot if your time. " She responded

"2 hours? I really do need to go home to my okasan. Sorry. "

She waved off your apology.
"Nono, I totally understand, Your clothes are in that room" she pointed over to a door, that seemed familiar.

"Thank you, Nezuko, I'll make sure to visit" You said before walking off to the doir she pointed towards.

Changing quickly, you took the clip out if your hair, and folded your hair and set it neatly down.

Walking out of the room, you said a quick goodbye to who ever was still in the house.

Stepping out side of the house, you saw Tanjiro and Takeo, chopping wood.

Smiling at them, they noticed you, and you waved and they waved back before you started your descent down the mountain.

'I really do hope to see them soon'


1106 words

not really proud of this but I hope its okay

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