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Looking at the shop infront of both of you, it still looked magical.

Both of you walked into the store, and your okasan went to look around a bit to find cute clothing.

As for you, you went into the accessory section, there was a piece that caught your eye yesterday, and you wanted to look for it now.

It was a wisteria hairpin with beautiful glass petals, and three dark purple diamond shapes at the bottom.

You awed at its beauty, and you cradled the hairpin in your hand.

You lowered your hand and explored the accessories more.

Nothing else really caught your eye, so you went into the clothing section, with your okasan.

She heard you nearing her, and turned around, and she had large pile of clothing.

"That's a lot, Okasan, are you sure?"

"Yes! I mean you have no clothes, yes?"

"Yeah but most of these look really expensive!"

"Don't worry about it dear, I do have a bit of money." she winked at you before laughing.

'damn, okasan is rich- I got lucky.'

You kind of just blinked and she turned back around to gather more clothing.

You just followed behind her mindlessly, while she continued to observe.

'Well, I mean I don't mind, for a lady in her 70s she has some good style.'

"Dear, come here"

You went closer to her like she asked.


"Hold these, dear, A frail okd woman such as myself can't carry it for long"

"Of course" You grabbed the pile, and wow. WHAT DO YOU MEAN FRAIL?

'She's been carrying a pile of clothing around 50 pounds i swear!'

"Are we done then?"

"Huh? No, deary, I just needed my arms open for more."

".. what? "

"That's only two week's worth!"

"Why do I need seven active clothes, 26 kimonos, 12 formal kimonos, 14 sleep clothes, for two weeks? "

"Shush, I have the money for it, I want to spoil you, and make you look extra beautiful like the woman you are!"

"Whatever you say, okasan. " you said witha wide smile.


After your okasan deicided she had enough clothes and accessories for you, both of you finally went to check out.

Waddling over to the people who'll check you guys out, you struggled to carry the pile that almost reached over your head.

Your okasan carried fragile accessories, which included the hair pin you had, over to them.

Hers wasn't a pile as bug as yours, per say, but she held her arms in a crossed position to carry everything she had.

She let you set your stuff down first, and you gladly set it down as fast as possible.

The people just stared at you two wide eyed, but they quickly got to work, adding everything together.

Each number said out loud to the other worker, made you incredibly anxious, is okasan sure she has enough?

finally ☁︎ kny various x readerWhere stories live. Discover now