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     I carefully finish writing a single tally mark next to the other first three, and stuff the paper back between my mattress. I turn to face the door and wait for a random guard, or Dr. Powell to bust through it at any minute. Everyday at about this time someone comes in, and sure enough there it was. The same annoying sound that pierces through my ears right before my door is opened.

     A guard struts into my room, but this was different. He had no food or water in his hands. I cock a brow right before he gently grabs my wrist. Wait. Gently? He patiently leads me out of my room, "Erm Where are we going?" I lowly ask. Without looking at me he responds, "Dr. Powell has requested that we allow you to spend the afternoon in the day room."

     My eyes widen and my face brightens, "Really?" I ask in shock. The guard simply nods his head. I could barely contain my excitement as we walk down a part of the hallway that I had never been through before.

     We soon reach a pair of double doors. The guard lightly pushes them open. My eyes grow wide at the sight before me. At least 100 people gathered into one room. Some wearing clothes like me and some wearing white instead. The room closely resembled a large cafeteria, but with an occasional couch in every other corner, and tables that held food and different varieties of drinks. The guard softly shoves me into the room and closes the doors behind me.

     I had to say, it was quite overwhelming to be in a room with this many people after spending so many days in complete solitary and being harassed by the only people I had contact with. However, I was so relived to see some people, even if they weren't familiar, "Hi!" I quickly snap out of my thoughts and turn my head towards the sudden source of sound.

     A short and very bubbly, dark headed girl clothed in white stood to the left of me, smiling widely at my presence, "Um. Hello." I shyly say. She reluctantly out stretches her arm and takes my hand into hers, shaking it welcomingly, "My names Hazel. Morris. What's yours?" She asks, while both our arms return back to our sides, "Harmony."

     She continues to smile at me, "Do you wanna come sit with me and my friends?" She asks in excitement while pointing at an empty corner with a couple of random chairs scattered about it, "Sure, but um, did your friends move to a different spot or...?" She giggles, "No silly! They're right there." She then proceeds to wave at absolutely no one.

     Before I could respond she quickly grabs my wrist and drags me over to the empty corner. When we reach it she sits and begins to talk, "Guys, this is Harmony!" She gestures to me. A gulp trails down my throat. I barely raise my hand from my side and awkwardly wave, "H-hi." I speak, while staring at the wall in front of me. She points at the empty chair next to her, "This is Enid." She moves her pointer finger to the next empty chair, "And this is Sampson."

     At this point my smile couldn't get any more awkward. There was one chair next to 'Sampson'. I hesitantly approach it. Before sitting down I look at Hazel, "C-can I sit here?" I ask, making sure that I don't accidently sit on any of her friends. She abruptly laughs, "Well it's empty isn't it?" I slowly sit down and play with them hem of my shirt, "I guess so." I mumble.

     She scoots her chair closer to me and slightly leans in, her freckled face filling with curiosity, "So what's your deal? Why are you in here?" she quietly asks. I lean in as well, "I checked myself in." I whisper just loud enough for her to hear.

     Her posture immediately straightens, "What? That's ridiculous. Why would you do that?" She slightly chuckles out, "Well I just have a lot of emotional trauma I guess. What about you, why are you here?" I ask even though I feel at this point I don't need that question to be answered, "The doctors say I see people." My postures straightens with hers, "Oh?" She scoffs and rests her cheeks in-between her hands, "But I told them they were full of it." I awkwardly cough into my shirt. I scrunch my eye brows in seriousness, "They sure are." I agree with her while still clearing my throat and nodding.

     She innocently smiles at me, "How long have you been here?" She asks while leaning back into her chair, "Three days. What about you?" She slightly nibbles at her lower lip, "Me, Enid, and Sampson have all been here for two months. We arrived at the same time. Isn't that crazy?" I lean back into my chair as well, "That is honestly so crazy." I say completely unsurprised.

     She rocks back and forth in her seat slightly and sighs, "Can I braid your hair?" I raise my eyes to meet hers, "Um. Sure-" Before I was even completely done speaking she shoots up from her seat and runs behind me, immediately beginning to fiddle with my hair, "My sister made me learn, so I could braid her hair. Do you have any siblings?" I slightly tensed underneath her touch, "Um yeah... One. A brother." she gently tugs on my hair, "Really? What's his name?"

     I lower my head, but she immediately makes me raise it back up for a better view of the top of my head, "His name was Coda." she tightens the braid, causing me to squeeze my eyes shut in pain, "Was? Where is he now?" I sigh as the images of my little brother run through my mind. I hadn't thought about him in a long time, "We got separated after our parents died. I haven't seen him in years. I don't even know if he is still alive."

     Her grip loosens on my hair, "I'm sorry." She speaks honestly, while weaving the last few strands of my hair into the braid. She returns back to her seat in front of me, "I don't have a hair tie so I don't know how well it will hold." She states, referring to the braid. I ignore her comment, "He was three years younger then me." He really was a distant memory now, "For a while we were at the same foster care but they moved him when I was nine. I haven't seen him since."

     Our conversation was soon interrupted by the sound of the double doors being slammed open. We both snap our heads in the direction to see several guards standing at the entrance, "Everyone! Back to your rooms!" One of the guards yells out loudly. And with that everyone stops what they are doing and starts to pour out of the room.

     Me and Hazel follow closely behind everyone. Soon, we were eventually out of the room as well. We both pause to look at each other, "I'll see you around." I say smiling while looking at her. She smiles back and we both part ways.

     The walk back to my room was strangely comforting. It was the first time I had walked anywhere alone since I had been here. When I arrived at my door there was a guard there to unlock it. I reluctantly step through the open door and into my room, listening for the door to shut behind me. A sigh escapes my lips, as the feeling of being alone begins to consume me again.

     I collapse onto my bed tiredly. I toss until I find myself on my side and looking at the wall across from my bed. My eyes wander to the small familiar hole. There was no note. I groan and roll over, my back now to the wall. I sleepily close my eyes, and allow sleep to come.

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