first kiss

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It had been hard for Buck to actually get through with what he was going to say. He didn't exactly plan out what he was going to say, so he was quite nervous about that but he got through with it. Now, all he needs is for Eddie's response.

Eddie just holds onto Buck's hand for a solid 3 minutes before he lets go. He tries to talk, but is speechless so he just sits there and Buck feels bad. He doesn't know what to do, he's scared and worried.

He doesn't even know how this man he confessed to, feels about him, and that scares the hell out of him. It could turn out to be Buck's worst nightmare, or the best dream. He just tried not to let the anxiety work him up.

The barista then returns with their coffee and that's when Eddie lets out a sigh. Which sends Buck in the direction of sadness.

Eddie takes a sip of his coffee and looks at Buck with tears in his eyes. Buck wipes them and then Eddie just feels relieved. "Buck..." Eddie starts.

Eddie's just speechless. This wasn't anything he was expecting. He wasn't expecting this at all, especially because he liked Buck back and he didn't know that he had felt the same. But now he knows, right?

Eddie has liked Buck for a while now, but somehow he's managed to keep it from him, all this time. He doesn't know how he had kept it from his best friend for so long, but he's quite honestly proud of himself for that. Now that it's happening -Buck and Eddie in a coffee shop, admitting their love for each other- Eddie can't help but be flabbergasted by all of it.

He never once in his life expected this moment to come, ever. As much as he hoped for it each and every day, it was finally the day and he was speechless and lost for words, so to speak.

"Buck, I... I'm out of words. I've been hiding so much from you and I'm glad we chose to come here and get some coffee. Great place by the way." He says, with tears streaming down his face. He grabs Buck's hands and pulls them closer to him.

Buck doesn't pull away this time, his touch is everything. "We have gone through hell and back and to actually be talking to you about this, is just... Buck, I never knew you felt the same. But, I do have to admit, I feel the same." He then places a kiss to Buck's hand.

Buck and Eddie's faces are full of tears. They can't help but cry tears of joy. All of a sudden, they both lean in and their lips crash onto each other's.

"I love you, Buckley." Eddie quietly says between a soft gentle kiss being placed on his lips.

Buck returns Eddie's kiss and says "you too, Diaz."

"Just call me Eddie," He jokes and playfully rolls his eyes at his best friend.

As they pull away, Eddie tugs at Buck's hand. "Buckley, I love you more than ever."

Buck places his free hand on Eddie's cheek. And he doesn't pull away at the touch. He just sits there, staring into this man's eyes.

They both finish their coffees and end up going back to Eddie's place to stay. When they arrive at Eddie's, Buck decides to sit on the couch and wait for Eddie to get himself situated.

He comes into the living room a short time later, and they both share a soft kiss before Eddie sits next to his best friend.

"Buckley, you're very handsome, did you know that?" Eddie concerningly asks as he places an ever so soft kiss to Buck's soft cheek that's now a shade of pink. "Even when you're not dressed up. Being in a hoodie and some jeans is the perfect outfit that fits you." Eddie states.

Buck turns so that he can look at Eddie and admit the words that have been trapped in his throat for so long. "I love you." He says, as a smile starts to cross his beautiful face.

I'm so sorry it took me so long to update this story. I had been busy, and doing other things which had made it harder for me to get my writing done. But I hope you're enjoying everything I've put together in this story. I never knew it would turn out this way, but I'm glad I've been able to write like this again. Are you enjoying it so far? Chapter 3 was one of the scenes I personally enjoyed writing. Chapter 4 is yet to come. To be continued... 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2022 ⏰

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