Chapter 9: Sent to the Cold

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No cover art sadly. This also may be a very short and nonsensical chapter.☹️

Next chapter is the epilogue, and I should make things more sensical then.

Inuri was still travelling away from the city of Phoenix Drop; away from the Musicpastas after her failure of collecting all the strings and making EDM/Techno the only genre of music. She walked all day without a single rest break and at night when she reached some snowy mountains with snowflakes falling. Not really a blizzard, so there's that. Still, the wind is very harsh and makes the temperature feel colder.

Inuri trudged through the deep snow late at night; the defeated look still on her face. She then looked around, then at her clown outfit. Her legs are trembling. Inuri bit her lower lip.

'Should I get out of here?' Inuri thought worriedly. 'This place has no shelter and I could freeze here.'

Inuri then looked at her box, and had an idea for a shelter. Her thoughts became bigger than just a simple box; a world INSIDE a box.

Smiling a genuine smile of happiness for the first time that day, a kingdom inside a toy box is what Inuri would settle on. Only question is where? There should be a suitable spot for Inuri to set up. So with that in mind, she started jogging.

Inuri had jogged up a few hills when she saw her box glowing. It seems to be reacting to something. With all her might Inuri tossed her box high in the air and fell onto the ground. The clowngirl stopped and witnessed something spectacular.

The box's corners grew high first, then the walls of the box joined in and finally the ground. The Jolly the Clown in a Box grew to 180 feet in length, 450 feet in height and 240 feet in width (sounds weird, but it's all I can think of for the measurement for Inuri's giant box. Just picture a regular cube but the exterior roof is open while the interior isn't, there's a crank on the back side and the box exterior will have neon lights with giant double door at the front). 

"Wow!" Inuri gasped out in amazement. "This is incredible. My box hasn't done that before."

Inuri looked up at the roof. There's a hole for something. She didn't know what it was for. Maybe she needed a magic buildup or something. At least there isn't any snow coming. Must be because the box is magical. That's how magic works.

If there's a buildup needed in that box, then so be it.

Her thoughts then drifted to the past events. The events back in England with her mother, her dead boyfriend Isaac, the musicpastas, and the very first friend now turned enemy. Inuri's anger built up, and so did her magic unexpectedly. her anger and magic kept building up more and more until with all her might until Inuri shot her magic up in the sky; creating a shockwave that shook the entire Underworld. The brand new kingdom Inuri's in has cities and roads built, and even a tall building containing a stage with speakers and a brand new DJ set and the inside containing furniture for a home; now Inuri's new home.

Outside, the crank at the back of the box started cranking slowly at first, then started increasing its speed. In the sky, a rainbow aurora borealis appeared; filling up that hole.

Outside the Phoenix Drop city, the city people still outside witnessed the new aurora borealis appear up in the sky with wide eyes.

And that was how the Rainbow Kingdom was made.

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