Chapter 3: Inuri Schwartz

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While the events of the new EDM/Techno pasta learning about his new music are coming and going, the early Summer streets in 18XX in England are getting busier. With Summer arriving, so is the busy season. That doesn't faze the children who were lucky enough with loving families playing outside; playing together.

Despite not having friends of her own, this especially did not faze one special child in particular.

That special child is Inuri Schwartz; a six year old girl with blue eyes, a brown baggy sweater, and a long ruby red skirt that travels down to her feet. What truly made this child special is her white hair. Unfortunately, the people in England except her mother didn't like it. This causes her mother to put up her hoodie, but Inuri didn't like it. She always asked why, but her mother never answered. Not because the mother didn't want to, but because she didn't want to hurt her child's feelings.

In fact, her sick mother is very overprotective of her only daughter.

She knows what her child is.

The mother and daughter live in an alleyway in a small shelter with what little they have. They are going through poverty and homelessness; which has made an increase in the England streets lately. It's a very tough time for adults and children forced to survive through.

If homelessness doesn't concern the small white haired girl, then what would concern her is the lack of friends and help.

Inuri would beg on the street on most days for food and money; even if it's a small bit. Each and everytime though, the people would refuse to help her and her mother. When there are days where she doesn't have to beg, Inuri would try to make friends with the other kids on the street, but they would always scream in fear and run off somewhere else. Each and every time, Inuri would always feel disappointed. She tried and tried, but nothing seems to work out for her.

Inuri is desperate for a friend to play with. Sure she loves her mother and she can always rely on her for comfort, but Inuri wanted just one friend. One friend to play with her and also give her guidance. She had a feeling her mother may not live long judging from the way she looks.

One night, she sneaked away from the shelter and ran to the park. It was that one park close to town and Inuri likes this park. It was barely used by any other kids, so Inuri wouldn't get kicked out anyway. She ran to the top of the grassy hill and sat down on a slope that leads down. She sat on her knees and held her hands together; looking up at the night stars. Inuri took a deep breath and closed her eyes.

"Please," she wished. "I want a friend that I can play with. Someone who'll be with me forever and help guide me through this cruel world. Someone who can also comfort me when I need it."

Inuri opened her eyes and looked back up at the night sky. With a sad sigh, Inuri stood up and ran out of the park. She quietly returned to the shelter and crawled back to her makeshift bed filled with blankets. She fell asleep after covering herself.

Unknown to the sleeping girl, a colorful smoke drifted to the alleyway and over to the child. The smoke hovered over her small form for a moment; as if confirming this is the child it was looking for. The smoke covered Inuri and emitted a bright colourful glow for a moment before moving in front of her sleeping face.

The smoke then thickened and took shape of a colourful music box with colourful blotches and the words "Laughing Jack in a Box" written in yellow inside a red oval. The smoke faded around the music box, and it sat there; waiting patiently until the child woke up and find it in the morning.

The next day had arrived, and Inuri woke up slowly. She sat up feeling groggy. The sun is up so early in the Summer. Not to mention her sleep is never comfortable, but what can Inuri do? She is just a child.

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