Chapter 4: A Fallen Child and Music Pasta

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~4 years later~

Four years had passed and the same routine had happened. Everyday Laughing Jack would leave the alleyway to bring back some candy back to Inuri. Good thing Jason paid Laughing Jack a good amount of money before being sent off. It was mainly on food and water. Jack also buys water too; drinkable water bottles. Mainly four water bottles; two each. Even though they've spent the seasons in rising and falling temperatures, it never hurts to stay hydrated. During the Spring and Summer whenever there's nice weather and they're putting survival aside, Jack and Inuri would return to the usual park and play games like hide and seek, tag, or step on pinecones or spin Inuri around. They would even have their own party and Jack even taught Inuri what he knows about his EDM/Techno music. It was amazing to Inuri what this magical clownman could do. No clown she even knows of could make music like that. In the Autumn season they would gather up a big pile of leaves and jump in. In the Winter Jack would use his magic to give them both Winter gear and they would slide down a hill, have a snowball fight, build a snowman they lovingly named Everette, and make snow angels.

During these four years, Inuri grew before Laughing Jack's eyes. She even sees him as more than just her best friend, but as a father figure.

One day when Laughing Jack returned with some paper and crayons, he taught Inuri how to draw. After that, he left her to try to draw something herself. Not exactly immediately, but he did challenge her to draw something on her own; and Inuri accepted with determination. She would make the best drawing Jack would ever see.

While making some more EDM/Techno music to keep himself occupied from peeking at what Inuri's drawing, he felt quick rapid taps on his arm. Jack lifted up his headphones and saw Inuri holding up a drawing of what looks like her and Jack holding hands.

"Here, I drew this for you." Inuri told him.

Jack felt touched at what Inuri was doing. "For me?" he asked. He took the drawing and read a message that was also included into the drawing. "'You will always be my best friend. No matter if we'll be far away, we can always remember each other.'" Jack cried out happy tears as he embraced Inuri into a tight hug. Of course Inuri hugged back immediately. "That is the sweetest message you've written."

That was actually when Inuri was seven years old.

Today is Inuri's special day; her 10th birthday.

Luckily Laughing Jack has a plan to make her birthday yet another magical one.

Inuri did tell Laughing Jack she always wanted to go to a carnival, but couldn't go because of the poverty. That got Jack thinking; how about a free carnival with Laughing Jack himself as the ringmaster? That would be a perfect gift.

That day Inuri woke up to the sensation of being poked on the cheek. It was a light poke. Inuri grumbled and clenched her eyes shut. The poking has become frequent after that along with that familiar clownman friend whispering her name.

Inuri tried to hold back her laughter, but it was hard. The now ten year old child bit her bottom lip to keep herself from laughing, but she let out a giggle instead. A part of her hoped that Laughing Jack didn't hear that.

Unfortunately though, Jack did hear the giggle and poked at Inuri's ticklish spots instead as a new tactic.

Eventually after some more poking, Inuri burst into a laughing fit. It even got Laughing Jack laughing as well.

"Come on Uri," Jack urged while laughing. "I won't stop poking you until you stop being lazy and get up."

Inuri laughed and swatted Laughing Jack's hands away from her as she started to sit up slowly. "Okay, okay. I'm up Jackie." Inuri said while rubbing her eyes. "Is it early to get up or something?"

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