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care pov

I wake up in the morning and start to get ready for school. I grab your clothes and get changed in to my outfit. ( Top picture) when I are done getting dressed I brush my hair. When I get done I leave and walk to get coffee.

On the way to get coffee I run in to someone. I say sorry and keep walking not looking up for my phone. I walk in the cafe and put my phone away. I got up and ordered a large ice coffee. After I am done I sit down and look at my phone.

Some one walks in as I am standing up to leave. It was Damon so I say hi and then left for school. I walk to school get my schedule and then walk to class. You find a seat and go on my phone.

I see that Damon has sent me a message. I look at it and it says "hey I was going to ask if you wanted to stay and have coffee but you left in a hurry" I smiled knowing he wanted to talk with me more. I text back "I'm sorry I wasn't avoiding you I had to get to school I get out at 2:30 if you want to talk then." I wait about 5 minutes and then see he sent another message " yeah I would like that I will pick you up at 2:30 and we can have a late lunch " i blush and text. " Yeah that will work see you after school"

I sit through all my classes. I all ready know most of it because we learned it last year at my other school. After 3 classes we had lunch I didn't eat because non of it looked good. After lunch we have 3 more classes and then it is time to leave school. At lunch I met a guy he was nice. He said hi to me and introduced me to all our his friends. They had about 5 people in the group. There where 3 boys and 2 girls. They all seemed happy to have me there the guy I met showed he his girl friend she had her own group of people. The other group members seemed to like her as well.

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