telling his parents

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Care pov

     Me and Damon where getting ready to call his parents. His dad just got back from work. He all ways had the same schedule that is why we didn't call in the morning because his dad would of already been gone and we wanted to tell them both at the same time. He calls them on his phone and puts it on speaker. When his mom answered we asked her to put it on speaker with his dad in the room. When they where ready we all said hi they ask how we are and what's going on.

       That is when he says we are good but we have big news for them. " What is it I love care and you together but if she is pregnant it is not a good time. " That's when I started talking. " Don't worry I'm not pregnant but we are taking the next step in our relationship your going to have a new daughter-in-law soon. " His mom was screaming with joy and she sounded so happy to hear this. " I new you where the one he would finally subtle down with I'm so happy to have you with my son. "

       " Thank you that means a lot to me we have been talking about what we want for our wedding and everything. I was hoping you would help me with it. My mom alright said she would help me to find the right people and  place to have it but someone else helping would be nice. " " I would love to help you I have been wanting you to be my daughter in law since Damon brought you to meet us the first time I would love to help you and him make it official. " We keep talking for a little longer.

     After a little longer if talking we both got off the phone so we could go have dinner. Damon made dinner tonight so i was really excited to have what we where tonight. I love when he cooks it is always so amazing. I walked in to the kitchen and waited for him to be done cooking. When he was done I helped him set the table and put the food down where we where done we sat down and started eating. It was really good he made us a homemade cheese and pasta alfredo with fresh ingredients we got the other day.

      " I all ways lov when you cook for us it is amazing and one of the best thing I have ever tasted. " " Thank you and I love when you cook for us and speaking of cooking what kind of food should we have at our wedding I know we both love pasta do you think we should have that or something else. " " I think that past is a great idea and just in case we need vegan and vegetarian options they are easy to make with out changing the taste of the food. " We kept talking about what other foods we want and eating dinner.

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