epilogue 1

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Care pov

       It has been 6 years after me and Damon got married. We both are doing amazing and we have 2 kids. The kids are 5 and 3 they are both girls. Ones name is Emery and the others name is Blair. I am all so 3 months pregnant with our 3rd girl. I am still working at Damon's company and I have gotten a couple of raises.  Damon love's the work I do. He can't wait for me to update the website. I have been working on the update for a couple of months before I got pregnant.

     Damon all so set up a will and has split everything 4 ways evenly. I told h to only split it 3 ways but he said that if he dies I will talk over the company till the the girls are old enough to take it over them I can give it to them and just help when they need if I want. I don't care about the will the girls will get everything anyway. Me and Damon still have Saturday to ourselves. For the first year of each of the girls life we wouldn't leave them with any one.

       After that Damon's mom had he go out on Saturdays again and she watches them. They love both of them grandmas. When ever my mom can watch them she does it and they have a good time. Tomorrow is Saturday and the kids are going to be staying the night at Damon's moms house. Damon and me haven't stopped using our toys and he still punished me if I try to tease him or break the rules but not if the kids are home or if I am pregnant. I enjoy teasing him at work and at home for fun.

    We have all so stayed at work a little later after everyone has left. There daycare goes for after an hour after work ends. There day care is all so a preschool. So when we get them we have a bunch of fun and they will tell us all about what they learned. Right now me and Damon are at work and I finished up the updates for the website. I walked to his office and showed him what I done. As I did that I sat on his lap and turned to face him. " What are you doing now. "

     " I'm getting comfortable after sitting on the uncomfortable seats for so long I just wanted to sit somewhere comfortable. " He kept looking at the update. " I like the update and you can put it up on the website anytime you want. " " Ok I will but I think I and going to stay sitting here. " We still hade an hour till everyone left and went home. " I need you to be patient or I am going to lose control and everyone will hear you no matter where they are. " " Fine I will be patient but I don't want to be. " After that I got my laptop and walked back to my office and put the updates on the website.

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