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Care pov

The next morning we woke up and I movie closer to him. I didn't want to get out of bed. I just wanted to stay with him in bed but I new I had to get up for my graduation. I sat up and looked down at him. He sat up to and pulled me close to him. " Look at you your so amazing. Now let's got take a shower and get you all dressed for your graduation. " " but I just want to be next to you and lay down with you for a little bit longer please. "

" Not right now when we get back home from your graduation and dinner. With your mom you can come home and get dressed in your pajamas. We can lay back down in bed for the rest of the night. " " Fine but I am going to be upset till I get my coffee because I just want to be alone with you for a little bit. " " Ok and you will have me for at least 30 minutes in the shower with me ok. " I smiled at that and got up out of the bed and walked to the bathroom to undress.

When I was undressed he walked in and turned on the water. He put me in the water with him and I put my back to him. We took a long shower and then got out. We both got dressed and left the house. We stopped at the coffee shop and got some coffee and some donuts for breakfast. When we got to the school I meet up with mom and talked to her for a long time. After that I went to the back room and got dressed. We walked out on to the on the field and sat.

The people talking for a long time and then they started to call up names. When my name gets called I hear Damon my mom and bunch of other people clapping for me. I walked up on stage and got my diploma. After I was done I walked off of the stage. When I got off and walked back to my seat. After a bunch of hours it was over and I meet up with Damon and my mom. We walked to the cars together and I took off my cap and gown after my mom took pictures of me.

We went to the restaurant and to dinner. It was an amazing day even though I was not ready for it I felt amazing fore to be done with high school. I new I was going to college for 4 more long years. But I new that for the next couple of months I will still have a small bit of freedom. We where talking and have a good time at dinner. When dinner was over the bill got paid and we went out out to the car and told my mom by. When we where done we got in the car and went to his place.

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