Chapter 2

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It seems as though hours passed by until he notices you, but in reality it had only been a few seconds. The boy looks up and you lock eyes with two slate gray pearls, seemingly filled with worry and concern. The two of you remain this way until he makes a fruitless attempt to leave the can, only managing to tip it over. Your quickest, knee jerk reaction was still not fast enough to stop it from hitting the ground, even if you were, you most likely didn't have the strength to hold it up. The can hit the ground with an unceremonious thud causing the ripped open trash bags to spill their contents. 

The boy began to scramble his way out of the trash can in a chance to escape. You reach out to help him, causing him to hiss and claw in retaliation, unaware of your attempt to help him. “I'm trying to help!” you exclaim, in a voice laced with kindness, he looks at you once again with those slate gray eyes but this time they are filled with suspicion. “Why would you want to help me?” he said with aggression as his mouth formed a slight pout.

You reach out your hand again, he takes it this time and you begin to help him up as you explained “Well, for starters, you're a stranger in my trash can, and it seems like you wanted to get out as much as I wanted you out. Also, it's really cold out here and I just want to get back inside, you should probably head home too.”

He began to look at his feet as his fingers dug crimson crescents into his palms, and a timorous look crept over his face. For a moment, your mind drew a blank until you realized he too had been out here for a reason, one of which you were determined to find out.

Ruggie Bucchi X GN! Reader Adoption FanficWhere stories live. Discover now