A Pulse|Super Paper Mario

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For this one,we'll have Y/N actually be another member of count Bleck's team!

Credits go to The-Muffin-Demon69 for requesting it!

This is a Dimentio x Reader oneshot btw and we will begin with a (long) flashback-


Third POV:
It had been... What? Ages? Y/N still remembered that day...

It was rather hot so they would've loved to be inside. But alas,they were trapped as a sla- worker to pay off their family debt. Y/N's family might've been nice but had a terrible problem with money and health so Y/N was left to work for them,making them grow a bit of hatred towards their family's bad choices and how they expected Y/N to pay everything off.

I have long considered finding that strange door that the red hat guy keeps coming through but it always disappears without a trace. But not to worry! I had a plan!

I waited for days but eventually,the red overalls had come back once more to venture out. This was my chance!

As I tried to run after him,he kept disappearing! Not for long though. Did he manage to switch dimensions?!

No matter. I had to keep up the pace and make sure to follow him no matter what. Everything was going perfect. I even managed to get to the door!

Third POV:
As Y/N wanted to take a break to breath,they finally saw a door that Mario went through and hasn't come back from in a while. As they decided to step through,it was wonderful. A whole platform with doors leading into different dimensions and Y/N wasn't sure which to choose. There were so many options. However,the first one that they stepped through happened to lead to the Dotwood Tree. It was all so strange but Y/N's train of thought was shortly interrupted by the noise of... Cursing...?

As they followed the noise,they started slowing down. It turned out to be Dimentio,the charming magician. He had lost against Mario repeatedly and was not really in the mood to return to count Bleck's castle just yet. He needed to cool off first from his defeat.

I didn't know why I didn't move once I saw this stranger. Was it fear or curiosity? Maybe both. But one thing was certain,I felt sympathy. But within the blink of an eye,he was gone!

"You don't look like you're from this dimension..."

I quickly turned around and moved back as I heard a voice right behind me. It was the stranger and he seemed a lot calmer now.


Come on Y/N! Say something!

"I am not,a-actually..."

Well... At least that was something...

"Well,it's always a pleasure to meet someone new. I am the master of Dimensions... Pleaser of crowds... I am... Dimentio!"

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