Puppet Kiss|Mystic Messenger

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So,this one might just be for myself because although my friend(whom I've gotten into mystic messenger a week ago and now she's obsessed-) wanted me to do this,I did get the option to choose a few things for myself so...

This will be both Yoosung and Saeyoung but I'm mostly going for their fannon selves since those seem pretty popular and I haven't played mystic messenger in a while(deinstalled it a while ago because I'm too impatient to earn enough hourglasses for more routes).

For now,we'll start with Yoosung and then when that's finished,I'll have Saeyoung right below.


Yoosung's POV:

MC hasn't been online for a while. It really worried me because they actually agreed on coming over today. What's going on?

Eventually,I decided to text everyone in the RFA and tell them I'm going to look for MC. They were just as worried as I was,it seems.

But when I entered the apartment(thanks to 707),my heart felt heavy. What if MC left? But their stuff was still there...

I had no choice but to look around and avoided the bedroom at all costs. Who knew what could happen if I went in there?!

But it seemed I had no other choice in the end and knocked nervously before entering.

"MC? Everyone's been worried so I came over to check-"

To no surprise,they weren't here either. But I noticed something from the corner of my eye as I was about to leave. A small plush toy sat on MC's bed. It looked exactly like them too. Were they planning something...?

Nonetheless,I sat down by the plush to think. MC hasn't been found anywhere so far and they wouldn't just leave their phone in the apartment if they were planning to go for a few days.

All of this was confusing but looking at the plush... It was adorable! There was no difference between MC and the plush. Well,except for the expression and size,of course.

For now I just laid down with the plush on top of my stomach,giggling as I moved its little arms around.

"I wonder if MC will let me keep you. Perhaps it was a present for someone though..."

I sighed,letting go of the plush before standing up. I needed to leave and continue my search but before I do that...

I looked back at the plush and smiled,bending down to give it a little kiss on the mouth and pretending it was MC. However,I quickly noticed the kiss was being returned and found MC in place of the plush. I could feel my face heat up so much...

Although I pulled away,they just grabbed my hand and asked me if i loved them. Obviously,I just nodded and couldn't bare to face them but that was no worry as they quickly stood up and kissed me again,leaving me beet red. Well,they definitely felt the same...


Now onto our defender of justice,god 707!


Saeyoung's POV:

It was so boring with MC being so offline these days. They're probably doing some planning for RFA or something...

However,it would be good to check...

So,I went ahead and went into their apartment. MC wouldn't mind... Hopefully-

However,to my disappointment,MC was not here. Strange...

Their phone was still in the apartment so where would MC run off to for that long?

I just went to the bedroom to see if they were there. Only a plush though...

It was adorable,to be fair,but most importantly,its got MC's charm and everything! Gah,I just wanna steal it!

Actually,why not? Not like MC would really have anything against it since they're not around.

I happily let myself rest on the bed for a bit to examine the plush. It just got that cute little smile that I would really love to kiss right now. They won't know...

I quickly found myself showering the plush with kisses until it turned into MC...

"MC! We were all wondering where you went and-"

They quickly put their hand over my mouth. That's when I realized they were on my lap and blushing madly. Is this more awkward or do they love me as well?

But as I wanted to free myself and open my mouth,they just kissed me. It felt like I was being trapped in kisses. In a way,I was,and I may or may not have liked it.

"We'll get married at the space station."

My heart skipped a beat when I heard that. Out of the blue,MC just said it with such confidence. Just where did this come from?!

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