The cost of escape from the cage

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"Shiratorizawa lost one too?" Anahori wondered.

"I think I know which one you're talking about." Kindaichi stated, stepping to the ground. "I saw him once being led around by that guy. It was Shirabu, the second-year setter. He seemed fine; last I saw him. It wasn't normal, he didn't even seem worried about anything."

"Did you try to talk to him?"

"Yeah, he saw me, and it was like he didn't understand what was happening. He kept asking that guy what was going on."

"It was like he didn't remember what happened?" Hinata guessed. "Is there anything else you remember when you saw him? Anything strange, something that didn't look like it belonged?"

"There was a giant, dark blue streak running down the side of his head. Probably about the same color as the stain on your shirt. Wait, how did you get that stain anyway? It wasn't there when you walked past me earlier."

"I got it when I found Kenma." Hinata responded. "He gave me a remote with two buttons, I pressed the wrong one and it started to link out of the ceiling of whatever Kenma was in. I was trying to clean it up, but it just kept smearing. I wasn't sure what it would do, but it seemed to burn. But after I tried to clean it up, it didn't seem to bother Kenma."

"So, if you hadn't gotten him out of there in time. Then Kenma would have ended up just like Shirabu."

"We'll go find him next. I hate to ask but I need someone's help. The others can use Akaashi's cage to get back up. Nishinoya and Yamamoto should be waiting."

"The two of us can help." Yamaguchi volunteered, glancing over at Anahori.

"Yeah, I guess we did see a bit more than the other two. The cages kept moving rooms every three hours. But they still returned to the same spot down here. And no matter what, they were always together."

"Alright then. Lev, I need you and Kindaichi to make sure Kenma gets back up there. And tell the others about what we're doing."

"Got it." They agreed quickly to get to work. Making sure everyone was together in the correct cage before it started moving. Hinata had kept the remote unsure if he would need it again. But the strange thing was that even though Hinata was inside of the small cage with two others, it didn't seem cramped.

Then when his cages started to move, he saw how it didn't just go straight up like the others. The matching one did the same following as it went through a tiny cage sized door at the top of the wall. Following a line until it shot down a different way.

"Do you know where it will end up this time?" he asked.

"Wasn't the library up this way or was it the garden that I'm thinking of?" Yamaguchi asked Anahori.

"It's both. But I think the library was the opposite direction. We took a right not a left."

"Oh yeah, the garden did have something we could use. You know, for self-defense."

"I think a lot of the garden tools could be used for self-defense."

"Really even a watering can? I'd like to see someone win a fight with only that. No other tools or tricks, just the watering can."

"Yes, even that could be used as a weapon. Just have to play your cards right, find a slippery floor and hope that your opponent isn't wearing non-slip shoes."

Hinata laughed listening to the two just talk, as the cage seemed to slow down. The floor underneath it lowered, dropping them off in the center of a garden. It was filled with many plants that Hinata hadn't ever seen before. Then there was a mix of plants that he had seen many times before.

I'm Still just a Kid To you, Aren't I? Book 1Where stories live. Discover now