Hey...we're back sorry...that it took so long

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"I'd like to officially welcome you to the volleyball Alliance base,"Bokuto said. Three others stood behind the open gate. Yaku, Kai, and Sugawara. Bokuto waved, going over to speak with them. He noticed how the group of ten were frozen. Shirabu wasn't as much, he just followed Taichi inside the gate.

Not saying anything as he passed by, ignoring the few people who spared a glance at him. But the others, they were a different story. The second years, except for Kenma, all stepped forward. Being the first to talk with the third years.

"I'm not really sure what to say." Yamamoto admitted. Looking towards Kai and Yaku.

"Yeah, I don't think we really had to think about what to say. Not since we set up base." Nishinoya agreed

"We just said what we needed, anything else we never thought of."

"we said what we said, if it was important or not. We said it."

Sugawara sighed, reaching out to pull the two first years from his school. He hugged them. "You don't have to say anything. You all came back, that's all that matters." he told them.

"I'm sure the others will be glad to see you all." Kai said, ushering the others to get inside. They needed to get the gate closed, you never know what could come by. "Head to the gym, we'll tell everyone else."

Kenma tugged on Hinata's sleeve trying to get his attention. His eyes had faded again, almost completely clear again. When Hinata turned to see what was wrong, Kenma whispered something. Hinata simply nodded. "Don't worry. We'll be done soon." he pulled his hand, running to the gym. He wanted to get inside, the sky was getting dark. It would rain, or it could storm if they were unlucky.

"So you got past Moniwa without him telling us?" Hinata was surprised when he saw Yaku jogging up to them.

"We wanted it to be a surprise." Hinata explained stopping for a second when he noticed that Kenma kept tripping. "Think you can make it inside?" he asked, getting a nod from Kenma.

"He got sick didn't he?"

"I'm not really sure. Moniwa thought it was that illness, but I think there's another thing that it could be from." Hinata shook his head. "But I'll explain later."

The gym had something in the middle dividing it in half. Sleeping pallets laying on the far end, while the closer one had several members of teams running around in a hurry. Checking boxes that they had leaning up against the wall.

"Hurry and get the bandages out to Oikawa. He ran out trying to fix up Fukunaga's wounds after their last run-in with the fighters." someone sped past Hinata as he let go of Kenma, letting him sink to the floor, leaning up with support from the wall.

"Was that Kageyama?" he wondered, seeing as the rest of his group had arrived. He saw Shirabu and Taichi standing, talking to someone. Probably from their school. But what surprised him the most was when speakers sounded out throughout the building.

"Anyone not on watch please head over to the gym. We have received some interesting news and feel that it's best to speak with everyone before we decide on what to do."

It was Daichi speaking, his voice on the speaker overpowering everyone. The ones who were already in the gym, distracted by the announcement. Turning around to head over towards the other side of the gym. They noticed the added number of people, but didn't say anything. Must have thought that the announcement was about them.

Hinata watched as the rest of their group went over following the rest. Instead Hinata sat down next to Kenma. Watching as groups of people moved inside. Not looking down, noticing the two as they pass by.

I'm Still just a Kid To you, Aren't I? Book 1Where stories live. Discover now