Maybe brother was lying, about more than why I'm not allowed to leave the house

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Shiratorizawa's practice was pushed back around thirty minutes later than usual. So when Shirabu had to go back to his dorm, just to drop something off, it just worked out better. Even though he told Taichi that he would meet him at practice right after, there was some feeling telling him that he shouldn't have gone alone. That he should have just accepted his friend's offer to walk with him.

But he didn't, he wished that he had listened to whatever feeling was telling him to do so. It freaked him out a bit, and he didn't understand why. Why was he so worried about heading to his dorm room alone? It just didn't click; he's done this before many times so what was he worried about?

Heading inside his dorm he set the books he was carrying down, checking his phone. A missed call from an unknown number, clicking on it he tried to call it back. The phone rang and rang for minutes until disconnecting, the phone number claiming it wasn't real.

He checked his phone twenty-two minutes until practice, how did Eight minutes pass already? Hearing a loud knock against the door he checked back, the door was cracked open, he left it like that so he could run to practice. But why did someone knock, they could have just walked in if they needed to talk to him.

Again, the knocking happened, three loud knocks banging against the door pushing it open further with each time the fist collided with the door.

"Can I help you?" Shirabu asked, walking towards the door. He started to pull the door open wondering who was at the door. But right as he reached to grab it, a hand shot out grabbing his wrist trying to pull him out the door. He yanked his hand free, slamming the door shut, locking it and hoping it would keep whoever it was out.

Sitting back against the door, he got his phone out, struggling to look for a certain person's number. Afraid of if the person banging on the door would hear him, he pulled up the message and started typing slowly. His hands shaking, making him mess the keyboard many times just barely finishing typing the first word, the door was kicked in. sending his phone flying in front of him, he reached out to grab it only for the person to kick it away. Setting it on the side of the door, right out of the direct path. Shirabu tried to back away, but the guy wouldn't let him.

"What do you want? Hey-let me go!" He tried kicking when the guy grabbed him. Punching at him, anything to get free. Then he was thrown against the wall, his head hurting upon impact. His eyes stared in a glossy manner, watching as the man broke the top half of the door off. Throwing it across the room with a thud. Blinking slowly, as he watches the man run about his room. Unable to stop him as he fixed the dorm to his view. Then reaching into his pocket he pulled out a syringe filled with something pink. Moving towards him.

It pricked his neck, then the guy crouched down, pulling his mask off. He smiled, throwing the syringe to the side. "Hello there, little brother. Let's get you home."

The next time he woke up, it was in a very bright room. The lights blinded him as he tried to sit up. But when he did, he noticed a long dark streak of blue covering both arms. Shirabu winced when he did manage to sit up halfway. Falling back down once his arms gave out. It hurt; he didn't know why but it did. But looking at what little he could see from his place on the bed. He didn't know where he was either.

Hearing the creaking coming from the door, he shut his eyes, panicked by who was awaiting behind it. Trying to calm down his breathing just enough to make it seem like he was asleep. The person grew closer and closer until he could practically feel their gaze.

"Tenn?" the voice asked, concerned. Tenn, who was he talking about? It wasn't him; it couldn't be. That wasn't his name. His name was.... He couldn't remember, no name came to mind when he tried to think of it. Nothing about himself really came up.

I'm Still just a Kid To you, Aren't I? Book 1Where stories live. Discover now