Missing teens found: Help...Going home...Home Safe...Unsure

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"So," Bokuto began, "You've been out here by yourselves for this long. Survived with only the ten of you, had to deal with the crazy guy out there, and made a base inside a warehouse. Am I missing anything?"

"You forgot breaking into houses for food and the store!" Nishinoya added, making Tanaka and Yamamoto laugh in agreement. "And there's also the fighters but you already know about them."

Bokuto sighed, shaking his head. A giant grin spread across his face. "Man, you guys are having all the fun out here. All the captains agreed not to let anyone go out without at least three others. So we tend to not get much done."

The three almost seemed like they didn't hear him. Laughing about other times they got away with crazy stuff. But Hinata and Yamaguchi took over talking in their stead.

"We only did what we had to." Yamaguchi explained. "We had to find a place to stay and this one had the giant lock on it. So we could keep the fighters out."

He glanced back at the spot where Kindaichi and Lev had taken over watch for the time being. Taichi had joined Akaashi and Anahori in checking over Kenma. The boy had completely passed out sleeping peacefully. The place on his arm was already wrapped up.

"Plus we couldn't risk going somewhere else if we didn't know if it was safe. And with what's been going on with Kenma," Yamaguchi sighed, lifting his head. "This was the only place we could stay."

"You're right, I mean we haven't been doing much better." Bokuto frowned. Only reason those who got sick are still moving around was because of that necklace Hinata gave Daichi. That just kept them alive, many aren't doing too well."

"They're not getting better? But Taichi said they were."

"Most of them are, but..."Bokuto glanced down at his hand, clenching them into a fist. "Two of Karasuno's people died, Narita and Kinoshita. But from what Kiyoko said it was a peaceful death when they were sleeping."

"At least it was peaceful and not by one of the fighters." Yamaguchi tried to reason, sniffling a bit. Two from their team died. It was fair for them to be sad, right?

"Then if you're not supposed to be out alone, why are you and Taichi here?" Hinata wondered.

"We left together," Bokuto admitted. "But we split up two days ago. When a large group of fighters found us. I got them to chase me one way, then he escaped the other."

They spent the next couple hours just talking, Tanaka and Nishinoya left to go sort what food they brought. Only coming back after they had finished, bringing a bit of food back, passing it out.

That was when Bokuto brought up something, surprising the group gathered around. "Why don't you come back with us? Me and Taichi have to go back soon and you should come with us."

Hinata froze, unsure of what to say. He looked back at Yamaguchi who shrugged. "For the past month and even more for the others, we've wanted to go back. We wished that we were back at home when this happened. But we weren't, and the only ones we could rely on was each other." he stated, looking back at Yamaguchi who sighed but continued on with what Hinata was saying.

"And now that our wish has a chance to come true we realized something. We can't rely on anyone else, it's just something that we can't physically do now. Because if we did it would only hurt us in the end. We just don't want to feel like a burden to everyone else. And don't say that wouldn't happen, especially to people like us. The ones who went missing out of plain sight, the ones that no one could find."

"You wouldn't be a burden!" Bokuto told them. "Sure, the other third years would worry for a while when you first got back. But that's only because they worry about all of the underclass men. They try to make sure anytime someone goes out, that there's at least one person from each grade. It's just what they do. Only reason it's just me and Taichi was because we snuck out."

I'm Still just a Kid To you, Aren't I? Book 1Where stories live. Discover now