Back to normal ... Maybe

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*** I haven't wrote in a while. I kinda forgot to. Woops! Well, I am back! I have nothing to do today. I got out of school early to go get my braces put on. It's a really boring process. And lucky me, the first time I eat a bracket falls off! Anyways ... Lets get on with this awesome book!***

Chapter 5:

Charlotte's POV:

I push the door open. I hold my head up as I march my way to the stand. Everyone is starting at me as I walk across the long room. I plop myself in the stand. I smile at the boys. They give weak smiles back. I look at my 'dad', if you would even call him that, I stare at him. If looks could kill ... He would've dead about ten times already.

"Please state your name for the record." Ron's lawyer asks me. I smile at him. Knowing Ron will get am at this.

"Charlotte Louise Bengston" I take a deep breath as I am about to continue. He looks smug that its still his last name.

"-Horan-Malik-Payne-Styles-Tomlinson." Ron's face falls. His face fills with rage as he points at the boys.

"Those-those GAYS corrupted my daughter!" He shouts. The judge bangs the gravel.

"Enough!" Judge looks at Ron's lawyer.

"Control him." He commands. The lawyer nods and sends a glance in his direction.

"Well, that's some name you have, Charlotte." He comments.

"Yes, yes it is. But I wouldn't change it for the world." I smile.

"So do you like living with the boys?"

"Absolutely! It's the best! I love it, and I love them!"

"Have they ever made sexually references to you about you and them?" He asks. I look at him. That is the most disgusting thing I've ever heard in my life! Them ... With me! Me ... With them! Gross!

"Eww! No! That's disgusting! You better get you facts right! That's nasty!" I exclaim.

"Okay, have one of them ever told you they had feeling for someone in the band." He asks. I don't hesitate. I know if I tell the truth ... It's all over for us. So I do what I have to do to keep our family together. I look at the boys. More specifically Larry. I think it's cute how all the fans made up Larry. I think it's better that it's true ... But nobody but me knows it.

"No! They all have girlfriends. Well, except for Harry and Lou. But they are working on that." The lawyer looks a little disappointed that I said no. But I had to. He walks back to his chair.

"No further questions." He says. Our lawyer is next. I know he will be asking questions that will be in our favor.

"So, Charlotte. How did you start living with the boys?" I didn't expect this. I start to feel panic raise up in me. I look frantically at Harry. He nods his head tell me to go on. I take a shaky breath.

"Well, you have to hear the whole story to understand how our family became. When I was three my mom left. I don't really remember much about it. All I remember is my dad drinking bottle after bottle of booze. At five he started to beat me. He would kick, punch, throw, slap me everyday. When I was eleven I got raped for the first time. By Ron's friend. I tried to tell him. He just slapped me and said I was a little whore. I deserved it. So that night I left. I ran. I meet Sheila she took me to her pimp, Kenny. So from them on for more then a year I became just that. A whore. As I was walking home one night a man came up to me and started to rape me. I heard footsteps so I screamed. That person saved me that night. He took me to the hospital. That man was Harry Styles. I don't know where I would be right now if it wasn't for Harry that night. I could be sleeping getting ready for a long night. Laying dead in a ditch with nobody missing me. But none of that is happening. Instead, I am living with the best five boys you could ever imagine! They take care of me! They protect me! They also do something I've never felt before by anyone ... They love me! Just like I love them! Does that answer your question?" As I look around I see every set of eyes filled with tears. Except for one pair. Ron is glaring at me, I am glaring right back. Two can play at this game.

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