I am sorry

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***Okay! I have to starve for 30 hours! Sad-face! It's for a charity and you raise 30 dollars and that 30 dollars feeds a child for a year, so it's a good cause! But I am still gonna be starving!!! Ugh! So I decided to entertain myself by writing and reading in here! Please enjoy***

Chapter 16:

Charlotte's POV:

"How tall was he? Did he have a accent? Hair color? Eye color?" They shoot questions at me left and right. They keep going. My yea feels ready to explode.

"STOO! ALRIGHT! I! DON'T! FUCKING! KNOW!" I yell. They stop an stare.

"Sorry, I just ... I am not ready to answer these questions yet. Please understand." I say.

"Okay, we'll come back later." They say. They leave. I lean back in the hospital bed. I close my eyes. I just want peace, quiet an some sl-

"Hey." I groan. I look to see a shaken up Louis. Even though nothing physical happened to him, he looks like he's just been gang-raped.

"Hi." Is all I say. He walks closer to the bed. He sits in the chair next to my bed.

"How are you feeling?" He asks. Taking my hand in his.

"Fine. Just tired! Very, very tired!" I say. Hoping he gets the hint.

"Oh. Am I keeping you up?" He asks. I laugh.

"A little bit, Lou. It's okay." I say. I scoot to the other end of the bed, and he crawls in with me. I snuggle up to him.

"I am sorry." He suddenly says.

"Why are you sorry?" I am confused. Why is he sorry?

"Because! If I never kissed Paige Harry wouldn't have left! If Harry didn't leave he never would have seen Sean. I he didn't see Sean ..." He trails off. I still don't see why it would be his fault. In anyway. Even if Harry left because of the Paige thing it didn't mean he had to stay with that guy. He could have gotten a hotel or something.

"It's alright,Lou. It'll be fine. Just like the other times. It will be over and long forgotten soon enough." I say. I lay my head on his chest. I close my eyes. He strokes my hair. Soon enough I am out cold.

Louis's POV:

I feel terrible! Guilt is taking over me. If I didn't kiss Paige this wouldn't have happened. She's fast asleep on my chest. It scary how calm she is in the mists of all this. I am the one freaking out while she's calm and keeping under control. It should be the other way around, I know. But I can help it! It's my fault Harry left her, it's my fault he went to Sean's. it's jus all my fault! I started this horrible chain of actions that lead up to this. She doesn't believe it's my fault, but it is. And she must know it somewhere deep down. The door opens a crack and Niall peeks his head in. He motions for me to come out in the hallway. I carefully get out of bed, so I won't wake her. I slip into the hallway. I see Niall, Liam, Zayn and

"What's he doing here?" I ask coolly nodding towards Harry. His eyes bloodshot.

"That's why we had you come out here. He says he needs to tell all of us something." Liam explains.

"Fine. Just make it quick. I don't want Charlotte to wake up with nobody there." I know I am being really mean. But what else I am I supposed to act? It's fault to. It's not just mine. He has a big part. I cross my arms.

"Well, uhh ... I just wanted to say sorry. To everyone. especially to Charlotte and Louis." He starts. Why is he apologizing to me? Charlotte I understand. But me? Shouldn't I be saying sorry?

"I shouldn't have left like that. I should have waited until morning to talk to you about it. If I didn't leave Charlotte wouldn't have gone through this. We would all be at home. If I didn't leave Sean never would've texted Charlotte. Then if he never did that then ... Yeah. I am truly sorry." He finishes. He has tears filling his eyes. He looks at the ground. I want so badly to go over to him and hold him forever. Tell him it's not his fault. Tell him we can get the through this if we stay together. But I can't, and I wont.

Harry's POV:

I just want to die. Just jump off a bridge. Get hit by a car! ANYTHING! I just can't stand this! Everyone hates me! I understand its all my fault! Every last detail comes back to it being my fault. After I finish saying sorry nobody talks. I feel very awkward. I feel a tear run down my face. I hastily wipe it away. I can't cry now.

"Oh good you're all here." A officer says.

"We have some news." I feel tense as it is. Now this cop comes in and says 'we have some news?' Is it good or bad?

"Well, we need to have a officer stay at your house for a while." He says slowly.

"Why?" I ask.

"Since you've given us a identity and know the suspect, but we haven't caught him yet we need to keep a officer around. Just incase he comes looking for you." He explains.

"Oh." Louis says.

"I guess that makes seance. We really don't want him near her."

"Yes, well. We will keep a car outside of your house until we get Mr. Hoffman in our custody. We have one at your home now. So you she gets released you can go straight home." His radio goes off.

"Excuse me." He says and leaves.

"Am I coming home?" It just slips out.

Zayn looks confused.

"Of course. Why wouldn't you?" He furrows his brows to together in confusion.

"Really?" I ask hopefully. I really hope they are serious about me coming home.

"Yes, we're sure you can come home." Niall wraps a arm around my shoulder. I feel a little better knowing that three our of the five will want me there.

Charlotte's POV:

We walk out of the hospital. It's the next morning. I am surprisingly really tired. Everyone walks in silence to the car. The ride is silent. Harry sits alone in back. Liam drive with Zayn in the passengers seat. I sit between Louis and Niall. When we get home I head straight to my room. I collapse on my bed and zonk out.

~~~~~~~~3 1/2 hours later~~~~~~~

I wake up all groggy. I have a huge headache. I get up and walk to my bathroom. I take some headache medicine. I look at my phone. It's only five o'clock. I decide to go downstairs. I walk downstairs and head to the kitchen. The lights are all off. So I go to the living room. Nope. Nobody's in there either. I am starting to thing nobody's home.

"Hey! Is anyone home?!?!" I yell. I stop and listen. I don't hear anything. Despite it being five o'clock it's already dark out. I head back upstairs. I check Niall's room. Nope. Zayn's. Nope. Liam's. Nope. Louis's. Nope. Harry's. Nop- wait! I am standing in Harry's doorway and I can hear groaning. I can tell by the voice it isn't Harry. I see the faint glow of the bathroom light on. I walk to the door and stop. I still hear groaning. 'I wonder why he's in Harry's bathroom? What is he doing?' I think. I turn the doorknob. I open it up. I stop. My eyes widen as I take in the sight in front of me.

"Cha-" Louis starts. He doesn't have a chance to finish. I scream bloody murder. I cover my eyes and blindly stumble out of the room. I hear them rushing. I blot to my room and lock the door. I lean against the door. Breathing heavily. I can't believe I just walked in on some Larry sex!

***Okay like yeah. I really hoped you liked that chapter. I really just made it up as I went. I really didn't know what was going to happen. So yeah. That's about it folks with jokes.

Lots of Love


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