Love me like I love you?

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*** Okay like how it going kids? I hope very well! It's going very well for me! My friends and I were trying to trend Zaylor on twitter! It a cross between Taylor (Me obviously) and this Boy named Zander at my school!;) Only 6 people (including me) know what I means ... Well now you do to! Most people when we say Zaylor thinks its Zayn and me. Which is alright with me.;) Anyways hope you like this chapter!***

Chapter 7:

Harry's POV:

"Hey, Harry!" Delia says as I give her a hug. Delia and I used to date a while back. It was pretty serious. Until she decided she couldn't love someone who didn't love her back. She wasn't upset when she figured out I loved Lou. In fact she was elated! Out of all people I never would have guessed she was a secret Larry Stylinson shipper.

"Hey, Delia. How's it going?" I ask as we sit down.

"Good. Actually I just got engaged!" She holds out here hand so I could take a look. I sigh. I wish that I could get the guts and tell Lou I love him. Maybe he would feel the same way! Then we could be together, get married, maybe even have a few kids and-

"Harry? Harry?!?" She snaps her fingers in front of my face.

"Sorry I was just thinking ..."

"About Lou?" She raises a eyebrow. I blush and look away.

"Oh! Someone is blushing! So are you like ever going to tell him you love him? Have you actually told anyone BESIDES me you love him?" She questions.

"Yes, I told Charlotte my feeling for Louis. She said she could tell before I told her. She wants us to be together but I don't know." I tell her.

"Harry, he loves you! You are just to blind! I could tell, Charlotte could tell! It's pretty obvious that you two have a thing for each other." She leans back and crosses her arms with a triumphant look.

"Ready to go?" A man asks. She nods and kisses his check.

"Hey Harry." He says.

"Hi Tim." I reply. They were made for each other. Not just their personalities but they look made for each other to. She is about 5'5 and him and a even 6 feet. Her flowing black shiny hair with his sandy blonde hair. They both have very fare skin. They were just literally a match made in heaven.

"Well, Harry. I got to go. Talk later?" She says.

"Yeah, definitely." I watch them leave hand an hand. I sigh I wish I could hold they hand of the one I love.

Charlotte's POV:

"Louis, calm down! It's alright! I am sure it's not what you think!" I try to soothe the hysterical Louis.

"Bu-but w-what if h-he I-is getting ba-back t-together with her?!?!?" He cries harder burying his head in his pillow. Times like these I wish I could just blurt out 'Louis! Stop crying! Harry told me he loves you! Make a move! He! Loves! You!'. But I can't do that.

"Louis, let me assure you. They will never, ever, ever get back together!" I rub circles on his back. Shouldn't he be the one trying to calm me down when I am heartbroken, and me crying into my pillow as I cry for Zander- Wait! What? Zander? I mean Dylan!

'Yeah let's go with that Charlotte!' My brain tells me. Whatever! I push my conversation into the back of my head.

"H-how can you b-be s-so s-sure?" He looks at me with hopeless eyes. Oh Harry! God dammit! Why do you do this to him?!?!?

"Louis, you just have to trust me on this! I have ... Uhh ... Women's intellectual sixth seance." I come up with. I guess that can work. He looks at me funny. Then he starts to burst out laughing.

"Why are you laughing now? Are you laughing at me super awesome great sixth seance?" I ask. Tears roll down his checks as he laughs silently. He shakes his head as he calms down.

"No. Not at all! It's just-" He starts laughing again. I start to laugh to. I can't help it. His laughter is contagious! We lay there laughing until the door opens.

"Boo? Little one?" Harry asks. Louis and I stop our laughing fit say soon as he talks. Louis tenses up next to me as Harry stares at him.

"Harry, c'mon." I stand up and pull him out of the doorway. I lead him to my room.

"Harry-fucking-Styles! Where the hell were you?" I ask all motherly.

"Out." He simply says. I laugh harshly.

"Oh yeah? Out? I couldn't tell! I just stayed with a hysterical Louis for the last hour and a half because you were on a date!" He looks at me.

"Charlotte! You don't know what I was doing! Don't talk to me like that again! I don't know why Louis was upset! I wasn't on a date!" He shouts at me.

"Harry, that's what he thinks! That's why he is upset!" I snap right back.

"I wasn't on a date! Even if I was why is he so upset about it?" Shit ...

"He doesn't .... Want you to get hurt again." Yup. That'll do.

"To late! I am already hurt." He says softly.

"Harry, what do you mean?" I ask. He sniffs a little.

"I wasn't on a date. But it wouldn't matter if I was or wasn't. Lou has a girlfriend. That Morgan girl." He hangs his head in defeat.

"Poor baby! I am sorry!" I give him a hug. He starts to cry in my shoulder.

"Why can't he love me like I love him?" He cries.

"Shh. Harry, don't cry trust me Louis would never intentionally hurt you. Maybe he doesn't even like her that way. Maybe he just wants to be friends." I tell him. He nods.

"Maybe you're right." He sniffs.

"Maybe? Boy, I am right!" I sass him. He laughs and flops on my bed.

"Just talk to him. Have you ever thought about telling him you love him?" I ask. He sits right up.

"No! He would hate me forever! He would think I'm a freak! No, I'd rather be friends than not be friends." He tells me.

"Maybe ... He likes you back. There is that possibility." I say. He shakes his head.

"No. He wouldn't." Sadness fills his face.

"Hey, want to play a game?" Niall barges in.

"Harry?" I look at him.

"Yeah let's play a game." He says.

*** Lately I've had weird dreams ... They all consist of me meeting the boys! Like in one dream I won't ten tickets to see them. So five friends, there moms and me and my mom all go to the concert. Then my friend Zoe(She is love with Niall) throws her phone at him on stage. It hits him in the face. Them they pull us five in stage and then we get married. Like ... What? Not that I am complaining I get to marry them! But what? Apparently of you throw a phone at Niall he'll marry you. (Please don't try!!!) Hey did you catch the Taylor Swift joke in there? they are never, ever, ever getting back to together!

Anyways yeah!:)

Lots of Love


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