I love you

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***I'm literally crying right now!!! DONT TOUCH ME!!! I'M IN A FRAGILE STATE!!! This is going to be the last chapter of Always there!!! I know!!! Even Corra is saddened by this news!!! But ... I shall have a epilogue!!! Anyway ... Enjoy the last chapter of my favorite book ...***

Chapter 21:

Charlotte's POV:

I'm laying on the couch when Louis and Harry come home from their date. They come running into the living room where the boys and I are watching Monsters Inc. Louis's face breaks into a smile as he talks. I feel tears stream down my face.

Liam's POV:

"Mike wizoski!" Boo tries to say. Harry and Louis burst into the living room. They look out of breath. Louis tells us. The biggest smile ever makes its way in my face. Charlotte's in tears, I'm tearing up.

Niall's POV:

I am playing on my phone while everyone else watches a movie. Charlotte and Liam wanted to watch Monsters Inc. no point in arguing with them two, so that's what we're watching. When Larry gets home the storm in the room. Charlotte cries. Harry looks like he's about to cry to. I can believe this is happening!

Zayn's POV:

I'm staring into space thinking of random things when the Larry lovers run in. Louis smiles with joy. Harry's on the brink of tears, and Charlotte. Well, Charlotte is in tears. I smile. I've got to say ... I've always seen this coming.

~~~~~~~Earlier on the date~~~~~~

Harry's POV:

I am sweating bullet. I'm so nervous. I feel the weight o the small velvet box in my pocket. What if he laughs? I mean it could happen. 'Stop getting yourself worked up, Harry!' I scold myself.

"Everything alright. Haz?" Louis asks resting his hand on my knee as I'm driving. I give a slight small and a nod. Deep breaths. I drive to the location of my specially planned date. I park in a open field. He raises a eyebrow but says nothing as he gets out. I take his hand in mine as I lead into the field. It's a beautiful day. Sunny and warm. My hands feel clammy and I swear I'm shaking. I get to the destination. A picnic is set up for us. I look over to see him smile his gorgeous smile. I can't believe I actually have him. Someone so perfect living me? How is that possible?

"Did you do this?" He asks me still smiling. Oh god! He makes me melt! I blush and shyly say.

"Yeah, I did." He kisses my cheek and says.

"Well, lets eat!" He opens the basket and pulls out the food. As we eat we talk about anything and everything. That's one of the many reasons I love him. Nothing's off limits or awkward. Towards the end of the day we stand up and start to back up. It's sunset. It's time.

"Louis." I say seriously. I interrupt what he's saying. He looks at me. 'Deep breath' I remind myself. I get in one knee.

Louis's POV:

"Louis." He says interrupting what I was going to say. I turn to him. He's acted weird all day. Fidgety, nervous, sweating. I hope nothing's wrong! Maybe he's dying! Oh no! What I'd he's dying! Oh what wo- these thoughts are cut off as he gets to one one knee. I am speechless. Is he doing what I think he's doing?

"Louis, I love you more than life it's self. I love your laugh, your smile, your eyes, your voice, your cry. I love you! I don't know what would happen if I didn't have you in my life! Actually, I do. I would die a little each day knowing you aren't with me! Louis, I love you, I always have! Ever since the beginning! I've just been too blind! I'm not blind anymore! I see now I can never live without you! Louis William Tomlinson, will you marry me?" He pulls out a red velvet box from his pocket. He opens it. I gasp. It's the most beautiful thing I've seen! A diamond with a gold band. I'm she'll shocked. All I can do is nod my head ever so slightly as the tears stream down my face. He slips the ring on my finger. Before he does he shows me the engraving on the inside.

'L.W.T, H.E.S forever. No matter what.' I start to full out cry as he hugs me. I rest my head on his shoulder.

"I love you, Harry! I can't even explain how happy I feel right now!" I cry.

"It's alright, Lou. I think I have a pretty good idea how you feel." He chuckles. We pull apart. I look into his deep green eyes. I smile. He smiles.

"We should probably go home." He suggests. I nod.

"How are we going to tell them?" I ask.

"We? That's all in you. You can think on the way home." He kisses my lips lightly and takes my hand. Heads me back to the car. It's a silent car ride, but that doesn't matter. There is a lot if emotions right now. We pull into the drive way. We get to the door. Before he opens it he says.

"Did you think of how you're going to tell them?" I nod with a huge grin on my face. I figured out the perfect way to tell them.

"Ready?" He asks. I nod. He opens the door.

***MY FEELS!!!!!! MY FUCKING LARRY FEELS!!!!! I GAVE MYSELF NO RIGHT TO MAKE ME FEEL THIS WAY!!!!!!! That was the last chapter!!!! I'm crying now dONT FUCKING TOUCH ME!!!!! I know I've swore a lot in this book, but in real life ... I swear so much more!!! I hope you enjoyed this book. For the last time

Lots of Love


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