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I like the scent that is in my nose as I open my eyes this morning. It is his scent. When I open my eyes I could see his face right in front of mine and his arms tightly wrapped around my cold body. He makes me warm. I feel warm in my heart because of him and I don't even know why. I just know him for like 2 days. We don't have anything in common, as far as I can tell but still I enjoy laying in his arms. The sun is already shining but I don't want to get up. First of all because I have no idea what to do the entire day but I also feel like it is because of him. There is a weird desire inside of me that makes me want to lay right in the position the entire day. I kind of hope that he doesn't wake up because I know that he will probably take his arms away from me the second he wakes up.

It didn't take long until he wakes up. I instantly close my eyes again and act like I'm sleeping. I don't know why I do this right now but I just hope that he won't move away if he thinks that I'm still sleeping. I feel him moving his head a bit down, probably looking at me and checking if I was asleep. He continues with holding me which felt quite good considering that it was still freezing cold but I think my desire for him to hold me isn't just because of the cold.

As soon as I move my head he moves back a little bit. I open my eyes and look up at his face. He just looks down at me and doesn't say anything. I want to say something or want him to say something but neither of us is able to bring out a word for a moment.

"Were you warm enough doing the night?" He asks after a while of silence.

"No it was still cold but a bit warmer since we were closer." I say. I fear that he will think that I want something romantic from him. To be honest I'm not entirely sure what I want. All I can say is, it feels good to be in his arms. I somehow stopped caring about the fact that I only know him for a day because it feels like I know him for longer.

"Is it okay for you if I am this close to you?" He asked me and honestly I find this question really cute. Many men probably wouldn't ask something like this but he did.

"Yes I actually like it better because in this way we can at least be a bit more warm." I explain to him. He probably knows that it was okay for me since I was the one who asked him to hold me last night.

"Do you have any idea what to do today?" He asks and this question makes me feel insecure. All the time he was the one who seemed to have a plan for everything.

"Don't you know what to do?" I ask him again and really hope for him to say yes.


"You always know what to do." He really did. While we are talking it seems like he almost forgot that he is still holding me in his arms. I don't mind. I don't want him to notice and let go.

"Well this time, I don't. I would say we should try to get some contact to other people in a town or something so they would find us out here but I have no idea how." He says.

"What if they never find us?" I actually thought about this case quite a lot. I don't know why he is so sure that we will be found. We are literally in the middle of the woods and they probably didn't even know that we crashed. Or would they know? I don't know, I never thought about that. Why should I?

"They will find us and if they don't we will get home ourselves." He mumbles after a while.


"We will find a town somewhere and go there." I couldn't believe what he says. He wants to tell me that we should walk over the mountains in the middle of winter to find a town that was probably millions of miles away.

"Are you insane?" I laugh.

"Maybe I'm insane but its the best idea I have at the moment."

"Then please do your best to find a better one because if we do what you just suggested, we will definitely die out there." I tell him. In this moment he moves his body a little bit. Maybe he wants to let go from me now but instead he wraps his arms around me more tightly.

"If we go together, we won't die."

"I will." I definitely will.

"I will keep you alive." He chuckles.

"I will freeze to death. That will be the end." Right now I'm unexpectedly warm.

"I will keep you warm just like I do it now." He says and in this moment I feel his hot breath at my skin for the first time. I want to lay my hand on his arm but I don't feel comfortable with it since I don't really know him. I think this situation really brings us closer to each other and I love that but we are not close enough yet.

"I will go outside and check out the situation. Sorry but you have to leave my arms now." He laughed and frees his arms from my body.

"Its not that I need you holding me." I lie. I totally need him, I want him. It's strange how fast my body makes up this feeling when it comes to him. Its a feeling or more a desire to get closer to him. Yet I don't know much about him but I want to know everything about him.

Joe stands up and climbs outside of the plane to go outside. I watch him how he walks out. As soon as he left me and I'm on my own, I feel insecure. I want to be around him to feel safe here. Its a terrifying thought, being alone in the woods after a plane crash. I want to avoid this though so I just follow him outside quickly.

As I look around I saw him sitting on the ground with his back leaned against the plane. The sun is standing high and if you are sitting right in the sunlight, it actually was warm. He looks up at me and smiles as he sees me. In this moment I realize how good he looks in the sunlight. He looks hot, I have to admit that.

"Do you miss me already?" He jokes at me. I bite my lower lip and smile at the ground.

"Its terrifying to be alone in there, you know." I say and step closer to him.

"Its warm here in the sun." He says and shows me with his head that he wants me to sit down next to him. I do. I sit down on the ground and lean back. He is right, its warm but I know that I would be even warmer if I would just lay my head on his shoulder now. I don't dare to.

"Can I tell you something?" He says after a while.

"Of course." I answer and he looks over at me. I don't look at his face because I know exactly how he is looking at me in this moment.

"I'm in a very troubling time in my life right now and even though I'm in an even worse situation right now, last night as you were asleep in my arms and I looked at you, was the first time that something made my heart beat faster again." He whisperers a bit at the end. My heart skipped as I hear him saying this. Its exactly what I want to hear but he makes me nervous with this words.

"I have a boyfriend." I say. Why did I say this? Why did I lie? I regret it in the moment, I said it. His words made me panic for some reason. He turns his head away from me after I told him this lie.

"I just wanted to let you know." He mumbles but I hear how hurt he is.

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