Magic moment

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It is getting dark outside and with that the cold comes again. As soon as the sun was going down behind the mountains, it got freezing cold outside. We built up the fire inside of the plane. There is a hole in the ceiling and we put the fire under it so the smoke can go out. The problem is that the hole brings cold air from the outside while we are trying to make it warm for the night.

"Maybe we should just let the fire burn during the night." I say but I know that this idea is ridiculous.

"Are you insane? Do you want to die in here? We have no control over the fire so we surely won't let it burn alone while we sleep." Joe says.

"I can't sleep anyway."

"That doesn't change the fact that it is too dangerous." He says and looks up to see out of the hole.

"The sky is crystal clear, you can see all the stars. No wonder that it is so cold." He sighs. I just stay where I am and not look outside. I hate the nights here. It is cold and I feel more alone. I also hate the feeling of not knowing what time it is. That is the feeling I get in the night.

"I will turn off the fire." Joe says and does so. He covers the hole at the ceiling with a shirt to at least stop a bit of the air coming inside. Then he lay in our sleep place that we built. He stayed away from me and just lay on his back. It was dark so I'm not really able to see his face and he doesn't say anything. Since it was getting more cold by the time, I decide to move closer to him. I somehow feel that something inside me wants to be closer to him. I slowly get closer and my body touches his. I lay my head against his shoulder and wait for him to wrap his arm around me but he didn't.

"You have a boyfriend." He whispers at me as I get closer.

"I don't want to die." I whisper at him. I don't know why we even whisper because we are the only people here.

"You don't feel uncomfortable when I touch you?" He asks again.

"Of course not. I just want to be warmer, nothing else." I make clear. I want to be warm but I think there is another reason. I don't want to pay attention to this reason now. Joe waits a bit longer and I move my head up a bit. He finally wraps his arm around my body and our bodies are pressed against each other's.

At the next day it is slightly snowing outside which courses even more problems. We can't sit outside. When the sun was shining it was warm and we could sit outside but now it was almost as cold as in the night. There is still this hole in the ceiling through which now snow fell into the plane. We used to cover it up with a shirt but the water comes through the fabric now.

"We need another plan for that." I say and point at the wet shirt hanging down and the snowflakes falling inside.

"We need something more stabil and something that stops water." Joe says and we both start to think of an idea.

"Maybe a flat piece of wood." I suggest.

"That could work. We can go to the woods behind the plane and look for something." He responds. We decide to go together.

As we leave the plane and I look up at the sky, all I can see are clouds. Big grey clouds and millions of snowflakes falling down from the sky.

"Taylor, come on!" Joe calls and I follow him into the woods. The trees at least stop a few snowflakes but still let through enough to make us completely covered in snow. We wander through the tress looking for some pieces of wood that are big and flat enough to cover the hole in the plane. We can't go deep inside the forest because we have no idea how to get back and the last thing we need now is to get lost in a forest.

Joe finds a tree on which a big and flat piece of wood is laying. He tries to get it down but he isn't tall enough which is surprising because he already is very tall. Still the wood is too high for him to reach it.

"Can you get it?" He asks me and I have to laugh a bit at his question.

"Come on, look at me. I'm even smaller that you. How should I get it?" I say revering to our height difference.

"I will pick you up so you can get it. Then you are tall enough." He explains and I get his idea.

"Okay, good idea." I agree. He stands in front of me and wraps his arms around my waist to hold me up.

"Don't let me fall." I warn him as my feet leave the ground.

"I would never." He chuckles. I try to get a bit higher and hold on to his shoulder with one of my hands. I reach out my other hand to grab the wood. I feel Joes hands at my hips and how strongly he is holding me. I like this feeling. His hands around me.
I manage to reach the wood and hold it.

"I got it." I say.

"Good, throw it down." Joe says. I let it go from my hand and it fell down next to Joe on the ground. Now I need to go down too. I lay both of my hands on his shoulders and he slowly let me sink down with his hands still at my hips. As my feet touch the ground again and I'm standing in front of him, I look directly into his eyes. His eyes are so blue like the ocean. I can't stop looking into his eyes and neither can he stop looking into mine. I hear his breathing and see his slight open mouth, his perfect lips. I try to blink a few times to get my thoughts away from him but every time I open my eyes again they get lost in his eyes. His hands are still holding my waist and my hands are still laying on his shoulders. Everything felt like slow motion and I totally forget that we are standing in the snow.

"Umm I think... that... we should better go now." I stammer after a while and take my hands away from him.

"Yes... right." He says with a nervous voice. He also takes his hands away from my hips and looks at the ground quickly. He picks up the wood and leaves to go back to the plane.

I shake my head and follow him. Neither of us says a word about what just happened. I'm not even sure if I know what happened. I never experienced something like this before. With anyone. Maybe this was our magic moment. Like this moment in movies where the two main characters look at each other and finally realize their true feelings for each other. I feel like Joe looked at me that way. I don't know how I looked at him but I think I realized some feelings.

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