Chapter 20 (Editing)

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Three months later...

It's been three months of not swinging and complete committal to our marriage. Sam and I are doing good but to say that everything is back to normal would be a lie.

There has not been a day or night that I have not thought or dreamed about Ryan. I want to make it work. I really do... but our spark was gone. I was having a really hard time just catering to him like before.

"Trich, do you know where my blue tie is?" Sam yells from downstairs

"Yes... you left it on the bed." I say while grabbing the tie before walking downstairs.

"Do you have everything? Florida and Texas are a ways away."

"Yeah... it was just the tie. Trich... I'm not going lie, I am a little nervous." Sam says

"I can see it in your eyes. You have no reason to be nervous babe... you are the best at what you do and you do it beyond well. You know this business like the back of your hand. You got this!" I say while placing his cheeks in my hand.

He gives me a small kiss before pulling away

"And plus Paul won't let anything go wrong. You're fine and will get the approval." I say with a smile inches from his face.

"Whew...I want you right now..." he says with a smirk

"No have a plane to catch so what happened early this morning will have to do." I say while chuckling

"Alright..." he says before grabbing his bags and walking toward the door

"Hey kiddos, come say bye to daddy." I yell out

All you hear are footsteps against the stairs as they all ran downstairs.

"Bye daddy!" Simone yells before running up to him and giving him a big hug. She's such a daddy's girl.

"Alright Da." Deuce says while doing his handshake with Sam.

Steele and Sutton say their goodbyes and do their handshakes with Sam before we all walk outside.

Out of nowhere Sutton starts crying.

"Sutt what's wrong baby?" I say with concern

"I'm... I'm going to miss daddy" he says as he wipes his eyes.

"Awe baby..." I say while picking him up and placing his head on my chest.

Sam puts his luggage in the car before walking over to Sutton and me.

"Sutt... I'm only going away for two days buddy." Sam says softly

"Ok..." Sutton says while continue to wipe his eyes and dramatically inhale repeatedly.

"I'm still going to miss you..."

"I'm going to miss you too buddy... it's only for a couple of days for work and I'll be back." Sam says before placing a kiss on Sutton's forehead and a soft kiss on my lips.

"Love you buddy... I'll see you later..." Sam say while walk over to Deuce, Simone, and Steele.

Sam gives them kisses and hugs before walking over to his car.

"Bye babe. I love you..."

"Love you... Sutt tell daddy bye." I say while looking down at Sutton

Sutton waves at Sam before turning his head away.

"It's okay baby..." I say while consoling him.

"Be safe..." I say before he nods his head, cranks up his car, and pull off.

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