"Detective Naomasa Tsukauchi, recording in Musutafu Police Station interrogation room for Case V-98-UA. Time is fifteen past eighteen-hundred hours. Date is October twelfth. Standard Q-and-A session. Have you been read your rights?"
"I will ask you questions, and you will answer verbally. Any answer you refuse to give will be considered a negative. Do you understand?"
"State your name."
" Tommy." Truth
"Sixteen." Truth
"April ninth." Truth
Tsukauchi laid out a few sheets of paper in front of him with questions written down to ask, his hands tucked under the table with two soft buttons placed underneath. He would ask questions, and use his quirk to determine the truth or false of the answer, and push the button his quirk determined for indisputable records being taken.
He looked at the boy in front of him, noting the sort of quietness to him seen in either hardened criminals or the totally innocent. Tonight would determine which bracket Tommy would be put into.
"Ready to begin?" he asked as a formality.
Tsukauchi nodded and looked down at his question sheet. "You attend UA Academy."
"Yes." Truth
"What year."
"First." Truth
"Your hero name."
"Tom." T̷ru͢͢t͜h Tsukauchi's jaw twitched; either Tommy was thinking of another name, or it was a half-truth. He pushed 'truth' anyway.
"Are you known by other names?"
"Yes." Truth
"Are you known as the villain Blackout?"
"No." Truth Tsukauchi could almost HEAR Crow Father in the observation room let out a sob of relief.
"I'm known as the HERO Blackout." Truth
Sob would go from relief to confused dismay, Tsukauchi thought. And that just threw most of his questions out of whack.
"You believe yourself to be a hero?"
"I AM a hero." Truth
This was going to be a headache.
"Evidence has been found to contradict that claim," Tsukauchi laid out.
"Then it was misunderstood," Tommy replied.
"Burner phones were found in your room."
"For contact purposes only. Any good hero and any GREAT underground hero has a little black book." Truth
Oh boy.
"You have an unregistered costume."
"A costume is defined as a special suit with enhanced aspects in order to aid a hero in their full committal to their work," Tommy recanted. "Everything that was found, I bought in a store." Truth
Tsukauchi could almost HEAR several high-ranking officers grind their teeth with every 'truth' button he pressed.
"Were you an accomplice to the raid on the Shie Hassaikai?"
Neutrality Order (TomBoo)
FanfictionOriginal Series: "Neutrality Order" by AngeliaDark (can be found on Ao3) This book is dedicated to one of my online friends who requested their favorite story but crossed-over with the Dream Smp and a few others. You know who you are and I hope this...