Muscle Cookie's Sweaters (The Holiday Gift)

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Muscle Cookie sighed with content, looking proudly at the sweaters he had knitted. He surprised himself, it wasn't as hard as he expected! That isn't to say it came without a struggle, of course.

He grabbed the sweaters, and headed out to find the others. Muscle Cookie, Fig, Moon Rabbit, Wizard and even Dark Choco were going to be there. He'd made sweaters for all of them- as a thank you gift.

He headed to Fig Cookie's house, where they would all be meeting up. He reached the door, and was greeted by Wizard Cookie. "Oh! Hello, Muscle Cookie. Do come in." He entered.

He was greeted by the rest of the party. Each of them held gift boxes for the others. They had started by opening Moon Rabbit's gift. Rice cakes, which hadn't surprised anyone. They were quite delicious! Next, Fig's, who made wooden birds for everyone.

They moved onto Wizard's and Dark Choco's, (Honestly, Muscle Cookie was surprised that the dark cookie even thought of getting the others something.) and finally, Muscle Cookie's gift. He wouldn't admit it, but he was quite nervous. What if the others didn't like his gift? What if it wasn't enough? What if it was too much?

He sighed. He passed the boxes around to everybody. "Merry, um, week-after-Christmas, everyone!" Muscle Cookie exclaimed excitedly.

The rest of them opened their gifts. Fig gently opened their's, careful to do as little damage to the blue wrapping paper as possible. Wizard did the same, though Dark Choco and Moon Rabbit weren't so merciful.

Fig was the first to pull out their gift. They held it out, admiring it. "This is some fine handy work, Mooscle Cookie!" They said, grinning. Moon Rabbit and Wizard agreed, and even Dark Choco gave a nod. "Ai," Fig started, "'et's try 'em on!" The other three nodded. Fig pulled it over their vest, and slid into it comfortably. The others weren't so lucky. Wizard Cookie and Moon Rabbit were swallowed whole in theirs, (though, Moon Rabbit seemed to enjoy it, at least.), and Dark Choco's sleeves went way past his hands. Now that he had noticed, Fig Cookie's sweater probably only fit because they had six limbs.

Wizard Cookie finally escaped his sweater. "O-oh!" He stammered.

"They, uh, don't fit, do they..?" Muscle Cookie knew he didn't even have to ask.

"Well, no-" Wizard started, and noticed Muscle's saddening face, "ButButBut- they are still very comfortable!" The other three cookies nodded in agreement.

"Really?" Muscle Cookie perked up. The others once again confirmed their thoughts. 'Well,' Muscle Cookie thought with a smile, 'At least they'll be staying warm for a while.'

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