Shepherd Princess

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One day my brother David and I were the children of a simple shepherd on a farm. Wanting to marry for love and not for gold and gain of families. Until a mysterious man showed up at our farm asking my brother to slay a dragon. Next thing that happens is we're being addressed as Prince James and Princess Y/n. A maid finished getting me in my night gown and she bowed leaving me alone so I may speak with my brother. Unlocking his door he's staring out the window in thought hearing me close the door behind me. "Father was looking for you at the feast. I'm sure he'll be up here any minute."

He turned around finally noticing me walking over to me as I stood in front of the burning fire for warmth. "I didn't feel like standing there for much longer. You didn't seem to be having much fun either." Shacking my head some hair falls in front of my eyes and he lifts his tucks it back behind my ear. "Every single man in that ball room wanted to dance with me because I'm a princess and the sister of the Charming prince." I mocked a courtesy with an annoying smile. He chuckled with a big smile mentioning how my dancing was. "That may be true which means I need to teach you how to dance better." I gasped hitting him in the chest.

"You're joking. I wasn't that bad, was I?" I asked trying to remember how many of the guys feet I stepped on by accident. David holds his hands out open asking. "How about I try and help you step on less people's toes?" Raising my brows I suggest another option while placing my hand in his. "If you can't teach me let's switch to you teaching me sword fighting." We slowly started doing the movements dancing in front of the fireplace. He goes to spin me out but my left foot slips so he hooks his arms around my waist holding me up. "Girls aren't supposed to play with blades." He points out pulling me back up slowly having us do circles around his chambers. He picked up the movement faster when my right foot accidentally landed hard on his where he winced.

I elbow him in the ribs glaring at my older brother. "We weren't born royals. And if you recall..." Eyeing his sword holder I spun out of his arms grabbing a sword aiming the tip at his throat where he holds his hands up in surrender. "I was better with a toy sword then you were, brother." David suddenly spoke getting an idea in his head. "I just figured out how to help you with dancing." Lowering my blade I give him a confused glance. He pulled out a sword swinging it around as he explains his plan. "You're better at sword fighting than dancing. But they are similar in the movements. You just did a perfect spin out of my arms to grab the sword. So don't think of us as dancing." Tilting my head at my brother I had to admit he had a good idea.

He lifts his sword up and I lifted mine following his instructions and watching his feet. "So when I move left trying to swing at you. What do you do?" He does the move so I swing my sword underneath his going the same direction as he did to block his attack. He then does a spin away from but when he spun around I pressed my blade harshky against that makes him smile instructing me. "Good, you're turn now." I slowly stepped back spinning on my feet then swinging my sword at him. His smacks mine as his chambers door opened and the king walked in. "What the hell are you doing girl. Put that weapon down, men are the only ones who weild it!" He shouted ripping it from my hands.

"King George - uh father I'm sorry." I stuttered on my words seeing him glare at me for not addressing him as father. He isn't our actual father but to the kingdom he must be. Our actual father left when we were little and the time he was around he was drunk all the time. "You must end this fooliness. It shall be am embarrassing to your new family if I secure this deal." David and I glanced to one another than back at the king. The only deal I was aware of is the one where my brother must marry Princess Abigail. "What deal?" I blurted out not caring if he wanted to slap me in the face. "You're marriage to a nearby prince. He's hosting a ball tomorrow night looking for a bride." Throwing my hands up I cried out not believing this is happening. "You're putting me in am arranged marriage!" He sternly nodded so I ran out of my brother's chambers and down the halls until I found a balcony. He can't be serious.

Leaning over the railing I try to catch my breath feeling tears flowing from my eyes as I clutched the stone railing. Mother always encouraged us to follow our hearts and find love that wasn't for gain. Until the farm started doing badly then everytime she returned from the market she would talk about marriage conversations she had with the potential suitors for David and I. Reaching up I remove a hair clip she had given me before we left the farm. David was given her wedding ring. Brushing my thumbs over the rusted golden pin. It has little blue gems inside of it. She had found it at the market and father bought it when they were younger before we were born and had money. She said it's to always remind me to be hopeful. Footsteps approach and I suck in a breath feeling tears pouring down my cheeks seeing David slowly stepped up wrapping his arms around me. My arms wrapped around his neck with my fingers clutching his tunic for dear life. He buried his head in my hair feeling sorry that he agreed to a deal that would separate us forever.

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