Brother's Permission

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She gasped at first neither of us knowing that the ring was glowing the brightest it had ever been when she kissed back. Her arms wrapped around my neck deepening the kiss until we needed air. She gasped trying to catch her breath feeling her rest her forehead onto mine. "Rumple."

Rumple's POV
Sitting at the foot of the bed in the back room of my shop I watch Y/n peacefully sleeping. Knowing that I have her back, the real her makes me realize that I shouldn't waste time in making her mine. Now that the curse is broken anything is possible for any of us in Storybrooke. She yanws stretching her arms out above her head with her eyes fluttering open to meet mine. "Morning Rumple, I was dreaming we were back in the Enchanted forest. Henry was a knight and we all got sent home after the Curse was broken." Leaning forward I rest a hand to her cheek once she's sat up on the cot. "I wish I could take you home lass. I know you loved the outdoors." She rested her hand over mine smiling up at me. "You don't have to apologize. This world has some perks. After all who knows if the Curse never happened. Who's to say we would've ended up together."

I smiled leaning forward and kissing her where she immediately kissed back wrapping his arms around my neck. I slowly pulled away realizing she's the only woman I want in my life for the rest of my life. Getting to my feet I help her up escorting her outside before I headed to the Charming's apartment. Raising my hand I simply knock hearing the door open and being greeted by Snow. "Mr. Gold, what are you doing here?" Resting my hands on my cane I slowly spoke feeling nervous all of the sudden. "I'm here to ask the prince for Y/n's marriage." She gasped slowly letting me inside to see Emma and Henry watching me. Snow headed up the stairs calling for her husband. "David, Gold's here to talk about Y/n!"

"What on earth do you want, Gold!" He grumbled crossing his arms over his chest with a stern look on his face. I suck in a deep breath directing with my left hand between the prince and I. "I'm here to ask your permission - for Y/n's hand - hand in marriage." Henry jumped up from his chair cheering with a grin. "That's awesome!" Emma rests her hands on his shoulders looking to her father. David throws his hands up shouting in my face. "No way in hell am I agreeing to that. Ever since my sister has met you she's always been put in danger. You may call it love but I don't, that's final!" He turned to leave and I hang my head down with a sad face going to leave until Snow spoke up. "Wait, the both of you."

We both stopped in our tracks watching her closely. She throws her hands up slowly explaining. "Now I know we have history together. Where we don't always like each other. But we should consider Y/n's feelings when it comes to this." Her husband tried to stop her. "Snow-" She raised her hands ignoring him and only watching me. "It's been proven that the love you have for her can break any curse, like mine and Charming's love. And in my experience that is something special..." I smiled at the princess truly happy she is defending me. Emma stepped up to me crossing her arms over her chest asking me. "Henry's told me about the enter action between you two. He calls it love but I think the biggest question is will you protect her and treat her like she's the most important thing in the world?" Staring into her eyes I gave her a smile pulling a golden ring out of my suit pocket. "Fine, you can have my blessing Rumplestiltskin." Charming finally agreed with his family.

Y/n's POV
Rumple texted me to meet him in front of the clock tower at sunset along with telling me to wear my favorite dress too. I wondered what it could mean knowing he is a man of mystery I'm interested to find out. Leaving my apartment I headed down mainstreat seeing red roses in a path at my feet so I followed them. When I reached his shop I see my brother dressed up in a suit and tie smiling at me offering me his arm. "David, what I'd going on. Why are you dressed for a wedding?" I asked looping my arm through his. He simply smiled squeezing my hand in his walking me towards the clock tower. "It's a suprise little sis. Just remember that I love and he loves you too. But if he ever hurts you I'll make him pay." I started to answer but then I gasp seeing Rumple standing at the bottom of the tower in a suit and tie grinning at me.

Everyone else of this town are lined up on either side of him smiling at me. Squeezing my brother's hand I whispered with a grin when we got closer to the man I loved. "So you actually gave him permission. I never thought you would. So, thank you. Thank you, brother." He kisses my forehead handing my right hand over to Rumple who smiles bright at me. Intertwining my other hand with his I already felt tears welling up in my eyes. "Rumple, I can't believe this is real. I didn't think you were ready to marry again." He squeezes my hands in his replying. "I wasn't, not until I met you. The Charming princess in my life...Now I'm certain." He pulls out a golden ring making me gasp, slipping it on my left hand grinning brightly before he started saying his vows to me.

"Y/n when we met I never wanted anything to do with love. I didn't have a good history with it so I ignored it at all. But now looking at you before me I know you're the one for me. You embraced the light and darkness as one. You embraced me as a whole person and gave me your heart. So from this day on I promise to love, protect and treat like the princess you are forever. I love you and I'll never stop loving you, Y/n my charming princess." He released happy tears grinning down at me with the biggest smile I've ever seen on his lips. Reaching up I run mj fingers through his hair smiling as I released some happy tears too. "Rumplestiltskin, when we met I wasn't into the idea of finding love that had to be arranged. So you took my heart from my chest. But the truth was you suddenly had won my feelings for you after that. Good can't live without bad and vise versa. You are the light that pulled me from my darkness. I'll love you for the rest of my life too." He slowly leans down pressing his lips to mine. Slowly I wrap my arms around his neck deepening the kiss. The kiss that now brings us together to be husband and wife. The kiss that sealed our promise of fairytale love. I had finally found my own prince Charming in the arms of the dark one himself. And Rumple had found his princess who was the sister of prince Charming.

Author note
Hello, Charming Sister readers

This is the last chapter of this story and so I'd like to say a huge thank you to everyone who has read it and gave feedback.

I loved getting to dive back into the Fandom that is OUAT. Hope you all have a nice day/evening wherever you are ❤️

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