Kiss of the Heart

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"Ella no!" He rushes to catch me as I fall and my head ends up in his lap. My vision blurs seeing him fight his mom for the treat and explaining before he took a bite too. "You may not believe in the Curse, or in me but I believe in you." He swallowed the bite collapsing as my eyes fell closed.

Rumple's POV
The hospital called me saying that Y/n and Henry collapsed. Rushing inside I tried to keep my cool hearing Emma freaking out about Henry before someone rolled Y/n out unconscious on a hospital bed. Limping as quickly as I can I found the doctor who was tending to the boy. "Doctor Y/n - Ella how is she?" I asked catching my mistake knowing they're all still asleep. "I'll do everything I can. She's in good hands Mr. Gold." Nurses plug in tubes as I stared at my love. Her blonde hair all a knotted mess and she looked to be peacefully sleeping but I know that's not the case. Regina is gonna pay for this most certainly. Walking forward I brush hair from her eyes kissing her forehead whispering just on the off chance she can here me, the real her. "I'll save you my Charming princess, I promise."

Charming stands in front of with his sister still holding her sword in her hands ready just in case we started fighting again. "Behold the most powerful magic of all, True Love." Her brother questioned reaching for the bottle. "What do you know of True love?" Clicking my tongue I secretly glance to his sister where he wouldn't notice. She stared at me slightly knowing who my words were for. "Well, no so much as you, perhaps, but not so little as you might think." You, you love someone?" Her brother asked again still in shock and disbelief. "It was a brief flicker of light amidst an ocean of darkness." Y/n glanced my direction questioning. "What happened?" Staring into her blue eyes I knew she'd never love someone like me, but it was alright to dream of what could happen. "She had other dreams far off somewhere else. It's the most powerful magic in the world. The only magic powerful enough to break any curse."

I'd sent Ms. Swan off to get my magic that her father put inside a dragon. Regina needed to pay and the only way I can do that is if I have my magic. Y/n wouldn't like me thinking that but she's cursed because of the queen. So I'll do whatever I have to, to break her curse. Heading back to the hospital the nurses had removed her sword and hair clip laying them on a side table. Picking up the pin in between my fingers I sighed remembering the day I got my hands on it. Turning my body to look at her again I clutch the jewelry in my hands. "I'm sorry Y/n - I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner. I'm sorry I didn't do something sooner and I'll live with that pain for the rest of my life...but even if you don't wake up I'm going to make her pay!" Baring my teeth staring at her face I could only imagine what she's seeing right now, hopefully something that means light just like she is my light.

Y/n's POV
The sound of a horse galloping towards us made me turn my head from Snow's coffin to see my brother dismounting his horse rushing towards us. "No, no!" He cries not wanting to believe it. "At least let me say goodbye." The dwarfs removed the lid letting him lean down and kiss her. The second his lips touched hers the wind blows around us and through the valleys, with a rainbow colored wind like magic. Snow suddenly gasped and I released happy tears covering my mouth with my hands. True loves kiss. "You found me." Snow breaths out resting a hand to my brother's cheek at his reply. "Did you ever doubt I would?" She sat up smiling at her lover. "Truthfully the glass coffin gave me pause." My brother cups her face in his hands smiling at her lovingly. "Well you never have to worry I will always find you." The pair walked off to be alone but I was too curious to not see what would happen now that they are finally together. Hiding behind a tree I peak around lisening to them talk. "How did you do it?" Snow leans on his arm before he pulled away saying. "With this. It's my mother's ring, it led me back to you. And now I never want it off your finger." He bends down on one knee making Snow and I gasp in unison. "Will you marry me?" He asked holding up the green ring slipping it on her finger and she says yes. Without thinking I squealed making the couple whip their heads my direction. "Seriously little sis. You had to spy." David chuckled and I shrugged my shoulders. "Sorry I've heard too much about her to not spy, brother." Snow walks up to me smiling and squeezing my hands in hers. "Well I haven't heard anything about you. I'm excited to have a sister in law." I smiled hugging her and she hugs me as I smile over her shoulder at my brother who hadn't lost his huge grin.

Rumple's POV
Standing in the hospital I felt wind blow around me making me close my eyes feeling the magic. In the next bed over Henry gasped smiling as his mom cried happy tears. Glancing back to Y/n I sigh in disappointment that she's still asleep meaning she must be gone too far. Hours later I'm in my shop opening the magic bottle but someone opens the door calling my name. "Gold, gold, Rumplestiltskin!" Moving the curtain I see it's Henry at my door so I stepped out trying to not get upset that he's awake and she isn't. "I'm not in the mood for visitors right now." Turning my back on the kid he blurted out flipping open his book on one of the cases for me to see the picture of where I took Y/n's out. "I think I know why she didn't wake up. It's because she doesn't have her heart inside of her chest." Glancing back to him I shook my head leaning on my cane needing more information. "Lisen Henry, there's only one way out of a sleeping Curse and that's true loves kiss. I don't think that's going to work on her. We never declared our love. Heck, I don’t even know if she feels the same way." Henry started searching through the cabinets for the heart determined to save the girl who had become his friend. "How do you know anything unless you try. Now where's her heart?"

Walking behind a case I flip a painting our revealing a safe. Turning the combination it clicked open for me to see my dagger and her bright red beating heart. Gently pulling it out Henry looks at it happy and scared at the same time. "You should find your mom. They're probably wondering where you are. I can do this alone." He grabs his book following me towards the door as I held Y/n's heart hidden inside my coat. "I'm coming with you and you can't stop me. She's under this curse because I wasn't quick enough to warn her." Rolling my eyes we rushed to the hospital seeing the doctor watching over Y/n about to unplug her machine but I hollered out. "No, no, leave her alone. Don't touch her!" The doctor backed away in fear now knowing who I really am leaving the room quickly. Henry stands by the door watching me slowly reveal her glowing heart in my right hand. "My darling Y/n, when I took this from you I told you the only way to escape the sadness about your arrangement to Cinderella's prince was to have no heart inside your chest. But I was wrong when I realized that without it you would go down a path of darkness that isn't meant for someone like you..."

Dropping my cane I brushed hair out her face feeling tears slipping out as I leaned closer plunging her heart back into her chest. "Because you bring out the best version of who I am. You managed to fall in love with both the darkness and the light. I only hope that you hear this and wake up....plesse my Charming princess, I love you." Placing my lips onto hers this never how I imagined our first kiss would be but here it is. Pulling away from the kiss I hear her suddenly gasp her eyes flutter open so I'm met with the bright blues. I take a step backwards nearly stumbling as she grinned up at me. "Rumple,...I love you too." Holding her left hand in mine I helped her sit up some before she flings her arms around my neck giggling. Wrapping my arms around her waist I breathe into her hair chuckling in tears of relief. "Yes, oh yes I love you too." She pulls away slightly seeing a crying Henry before worry appears on her face. "What's wrong lass?" I softly asked wiping away her tears having her look up at me. "Rumple, where's my brother. Is the curse broken?" I pulled her head into my chest knowing she's got a lot to deal with once we leave the hospital.

Comments really appreciated :)

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