Memory Red Line

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The sky is clear blue but clouds are in the distance as I sit on the ground my back pressed against a tree trunk. Leaves softly falling in my hair twirling mother's pin in between my fingers until twigs snapped behind. Drawing my sword I hide behind the tree until the figure gets closer and I jump out pressing the tip against my brother's chest, his hands thrown up in surrender. "Easy, it's just me." Rolling my eyes I put the weapon up leaning back against the side of the tree. "How'd you find me?" He rests his hands in his Jean pockets. "Just a lucky guess. I will say this is not where I wanted to have our talk." Bending down I sit how I was before he came hugging my knees to my chest. "I'm not out here to chat. I'm hiding from someone. I'm honestly surprised he hasn't done a locater spell by now."

"I won't say I was right...because I'm trying to be a nice older brother..." He sits down beside me and the tree seeing me glare at him. "What exactly was the deal you made with him?" He questioned staring into my eyes it was at that point that I never told him about our deal. At the time I didn't want him to worry that he'd crush my heart. "He took my heart, but gave it back when he woke me from the sleeping Curse." My brother draped his arm over my shoulder having me lay my head on his chest. He takes the clip feeling tears welling in his eyes remembering the last day we had our mother. "I wonder what mother would say about me now....falling in love with the Dark One." He turned his head down to me kissing my forehead as I wiped away tears. "I think she'd consider it love a lot easier than I am."

Snow and I rode on horse until we reached the lake that could save my mother. She had been injured when King George's guards showed up and wanted our heads. Dismounting my horse I watched my brother and a knight search for water. "Y/n, my girl. Come I have something for you." The wind blows my hair brushing my hands over my leather outfit similar to my brother's. "Yes mother." She reached into her hair revealing a golden clip as Snow comes over to us. "You're father gave me this before I was pregnant with you. I've already given Snow a necklace that tells what child she'll have. So I thought you deserve something special."

"My girl, I'm giving this to you as a sign of faith. Faith that you will find love." Shacking my head at her she places it in my hands knowing that I was so similar to my brother. That I wanted a one of a kind love, true love. "You have always been like your brother. So sure of what you want. This clip led me to have you, so I have faith that it will lead you to your own true love." Squeezing my hand in hers I wiped away happy tears hoping to find someone that she spoke of. Someone who would change my whole world into something I never expected to have.

David wiped away tears really missing her now that we had our memories back. He glanced up to the sky watching the sky cover with clouds. "I can see why you come out here. It's the closest we can get back to our land. Looks like it's gonna ran though we should go." He started to get up but I grabbed his hand making him stop. "How am I supposed to face him. After what he did, I just..I don't want to be around him. But it's like something inside me is screaming to run back to him and I don't understand why the hell I feel this way." Throwing my hands in my lap I shouted feeling tears of frustration run down my face.

He bends down on a knee tilting my chin up so I'm staring into his instead of burying my head in my knees like I was before. "Lisen to me little sis. There's not a lot I'm certain of but the two things I am are family and true love." Throwing my hands up I scoff through a croaked voice knowing I'm crying. "Don't say it's love because it can't be. My brain just is tricking me into that. There's no way that I'm in love with the - the Dark One!" He takes my hands in his getting me to actually listen. "I was slightly wrong about him Y/n...He's not who he was when I met him. You know how I know, because he didn't want you going under a sleeping Curse again and he held you back when he thought that Cora was going to come through the portal...look what I'm trying to say is that true love isn't easy but it must be fought for. Because once you find it can never be replaced."

"So you're not mad at me anymore?" I sniffed through tears watching him nod yes allowing me to throw my arms around his neck. He chuckled into my blonde hair squeezing me gently. "I might not be fully okay with it. But if he makes you happy then go find him." He pulls me to my feet and we walked through the woods until we came up to his truck. Getting into his truck I dial Rumple's phone wanting to know where he was. "Rumple, it's me. I need to see you, to apologize." At first I think it's his voice mail until he actually responds. "I'm at the town line, lass." Looking to my brother he turned down the road taking me to him. Closing the truck door I saw his car with him standing outside with a smile holding a shaw in his other arm.

David stared at Rumple for a few minutes before driving off and leaving us alone. He glanced to his feet starting the conversation. "It seems you two are on good terms now. Otherwise I don't think he would have brought you here." I nod leaning my back against his car staring up at the stars in the sky. "I'm sorry I overreacted about the other day I just...I didn't agree with what you did-" He holds up his cutting me off. "You don't have to apologize for anything Y/n. I'm the one who did wrong. There's just one thing I don't understand lass...why did you come here if you were unsure about, well us?" Turning to fully face him I twisted the fabric of my brown jacket looking into those brown eyes, pulling out the golden clip from my pocket showing it in the palm of my right hand. "It has something to do with this."

Rumple raises a brow confused until I explain about my mother. "The day my mother died she gave this to me. Said it led her to have me and she had already given my brother her ring. So she gave me this and said that she believed it would lead me to my true love. Like her ring did for my brother." Brushing my fingers through my hair I clipped it back in resting my freehand on his. "I don't know what we'll face. But I know my heart is leading me straight to you and it's where I'll stay." He leans in softly kissing me with a smile as we walked to the red line that the dwarfs drew. Lifting the shaw over his head he whispered shackyness in his tone. "Here we go." He stepped over the line and blue mist goes over him and he turns around pointing his index finger at me voicing. "Y/n, my Charming princess." I giggled stepping to the edge of the line hands over my mouth with happy tears.

He leans forward about to kiss me but I heard a gunshot go that hits me in my side. My feet stumbled forward into Rumple's arms and something blue goes over my body. When I stared up into brown eyes I recognize Mr. Gold. He struggled to hold me up lowering me down onto the pavement calling out a name I don't know. "Y/n?" Glancing towards his car I saw a weird looking guy with a hook for a hand holding a gun aimed at us. "Gold - who is he?" I stuttered trying to scoot away but winced pressing my fingers seeing blood on my fingers. Gold stared at me tears in his eyes mumbling. "Y/n..." Shacking my head slowly at him I choked out. "Who is she Gold?"

Comments really appreciated :)

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