Henry's Theories

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Entering the diner I slide in a booth beside Henry laying down a note he left outside the police station. Emma had become sheriff after Graham had died. "I got your note. What is up?" He opened his storybook to that same page again looking at me. "What do you know about the tale of Rumplestiltskin?" Biting my lip I simply replied. I know that he isn't an actual fairytale but clearly he is in his boom because that is the second time he's mentioned his name. Granny slides me a hot chocolate and some coco for him. "Granny, hold up." I called as she started to leave seeing me reach into my coat, handing her the money I owed for last time and now. Graham had given me a raise before he died but still nothing close to how much money Gold has in his pockets. "Where did you get that clip?" Henry suddenly spoke after I watched the old woman give a weak smile walking off to take more orders. "From Mr. Gold why?" Focusing back on the kid resting my arms on the table. He turned a page tapping on a picture of a girl that looked like me wearing a dress that was cut above the knee.

Standing beside a guy that looks very similar to the guy who buys coffee here in the morning and goes by the name David. "This is you and he's your brother, Prince Charming. My mother's father and the husband of Snow White." I accidentally chuckled at hearing the names he spoke and he looked at me disappointed so I decided to make him happy again. "So who do you think they are. Who in Storybrooke are these people?" He told me about Mary Margaret being Snow, David being Charming and Mr. Gold being Rumple. Reaching up I turned one of the pages seeing a clip that matched mine. "What is this, Henry?" He glanced back up at the clip I'm wearing saying. "That clip was your mother's. You traded it so Rumplestiltskin wouldn't make you feel anything again." Resting my chin in the palm of my hand I still don't quite understand. "So I wouldn't feel anything I don't understand." He puts his hand over my heart voicing. "He took out your heart so you couldn't truly feel anything ever again."

The diner doors bell rings looking over my shoulder I see David walk in grabbing some lunch. Twisting my hair between my fingers it does look similar to his. He picked up his food turning his head to see me and Henry who he waves at. Emma, Henry and Mary Margaret found him wandering in the woods after waking up from a coma. I bite my lip holding in a gasp seeing we have the exact same color eyes. He exited the diner and Henry broke me from my trance. "You see the resembalence don't you?" Shacking my head I can feel my head spinning like crazy. Nobody looks so similar like that unless they are related somehow. But then if Henry is right then why don't we act like we're siblings, like we are in fact family. "Henry, what else can you tell me about - uh Charming and I...like what happened to us?" He goes back to his book turning some pages then turning the book around so I can see me and the prince riding horses towards a castle.

"Rumplestiltskin!" I hollered knocking on the doors of a castle that was in the middle of the woods. The wind blows my torn dress that has become my thing now. The door opened for me to see him standing at the bottom of the stairs and he released his high pitched giggle. "Princess Charming, what an unexpected surprise." Rolling my eyes at the nickname I rounded his table actually looking him in the eye. "I'm here to ask for my mother's clip back." He clicked his tongue walking up to me. "Remember lass deals are what I do." Stepping away from him I hold up my hand thinking of the perfect way. Word around the kingdoms is that the bandit Snow White took a potion from him and now wants to kill the Evil Queen. "You're deals are something you can't resist making. So tell me who you're dealing with next." Rumple stepped up waving his hand for the clip to appear in red smoke. He brushes hair behind my ear resting it back into my hair as I reach into my bag pulling out my crown. "If you're so interested in objects have this."

He takes it from my hands waving his other hand and a rose appears making me question. "What's this for?" He hands it to me replying. "A trade off my dear. The rose suits the golden beauty of you." I blushed at his words feeling my stomach get butterflies even with my heart gone which makes me wonder. "Can I ask you something, Rumple?" He spun on his feet raising his eyebrows at me simply nodding. "Why did you tell me the only way I can feel better is if you took out my heart?" The two of us entered the main room of his castle seeing the windows open to see light but the mirrors are covered up. He sits down in a throne chair at the end of a long table. "Love is the most powerful thing of all. It makes us do crazy things. But when you feel so strongly about someone and they break your heart, it's like half of yourself is destroyed along with who you used to be." Sitting ontop of the table I spin the rose in between my fingers remembering how my brother spoke about Snow when he realized he needed to find and tell her he loves her no matter. "I don't see love that way, now granted I've never been in love but...I have to believe that love is magical for a reason." Rumple taps his fingers together slightly curious at what I have to say about love. "That the good and the bad have to go together for the magic to exist." Rumple didn't admit it himself until later but hearing you describe love like that made him fall in love with you, it was like you were talking about him and his darkness.

Running my hands down my dress I grabbed my jacket throwing it on over my orange dress trying to calm my nerves about tonight with Gold. I'd called my friends Ashley and Mary Margaret who helped me by saying he'll be as nervous as I am. As I stand outside Granny's diner the door opened for me to see Emma and Henry walk out. He runs up hugging me and I hug him back where he looked up at me wondering. "Ella, forgot to tell you something about you and Rumple." Bending down I asked the ten year old. "What's that kid?" He heads for his mom's yellow bug telling me. "You two love each other." Once he said that I heard footsteps and a cane coming up behind me so I turned around feeling my cheeks blushing at seeing him in a nicely pressed suit, granted he wears them all the time but I finally realized he actually looked Rumplestiltskin. "Wow, you look good Gold." He lifts my right hand up to his lips kissing it before leading me inside Granny's and at the booth near the middle of the room.

"Two burgers please Granny." I ordered sitting on the opposite side of him seeing him tap his fingers on the table. "Are you nervous just like I am Gold?" I nervously chuckled seeing him stop the tapping. "Oh uh - hmmm." He nodded watching the elderly woman sit the burgers down whispering to him. "I charge extra for pickals." He bites his tongue seeing her walk away before I pick up my burger about to take a bite until he reaches over grabbing the ketchup. "I'd try it with this. It makes it even more delicious." Taking the bottle from his hands I smiled before we both started eating the burgers. But as I stared into those brown eyes I can't stop hearing Henry's theory in my head 'You two love each other'. Sitting my burger down I twirl some of my hair between my fingers when I'm lost in thought. "What's on your mind lass?" Gold questions sitting his burger down. "Oh its just something silly Henry told me earlier." He reached over resting his hand on my freehand whispering.

"Nothing you could ever tell me is silly." Leaning forward I whispered not wanting to say in a room full of people. "Is there somewhere private we can talk?" He pays for dinner and we went into his shop where he flips the open sign to closed so we're not disturbed. Entering the backroom I see more shelves of stuff and a cot that I sit down on having him lean up against the table resting his cane with his left hand. "So Henry believes that everyone in this town are actually fairytale characters from this storybook Mary Margaret gave him. You are Rumplestiltskin and I am Princess Y/n. Can you believe that?" He comes to sit beside me staring into my blue eyes and me at his brown ones. His right hand slowly reached forward moving hair from my face so he can rest his hand to my cheek. He slowly leans in as I suck in a breath feeling him whisper. "Not as crazy as what I'm about to do Y/n." He ends up kissing me and at first I'm unsure until he starts to pull away so I kissed back thinking in the back of my mind. Who is Y/n.

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