One Apple = Multiple Victims

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My brother has been captured by the evil queen so now I'm teaming up with his love Snow and seven dwarfs. Pulling my cloak over my shoulders Snow removed all her weapons while we stand around a large round table. "Snow I want to save my brother but not at the cost of your life." I voiced trying to persuade her to stay. She turned to face me resting her hands on my shoulders. "Y/n, my fight is with the queen. He shouldn't be involved in any of this." The dwarfs tried to stop her but she walked out of the room. Grabbing my sword I headed for the door not letting this happen. "Yeah alone my ass. I know who might be able to help us if this goes wrong."

Riding my horse through the woods I managed to remember where his castle was located. Bursting open the doors I searched the main room for him but nothing so I hollered out. "Rumple - Rumplestiltskin I need to speak with you!" Suddenly a whooshing sound appears behind me before he spoke up. "Bolder you are dearie. What do you need from me?" Walking up to him I begged the Dark One needing to know what might happen to my brother. "You said my brother is your next deal. I need to know where he is, what's happening to him please." Rumplestiltskin snapped his fingers for a crystal ball to appear on the table to see my brother in a cell. I will save you brother I promise.

Henry has been radioing me all morning while I'm in Gold's shop. He closed a cabinet showing me a few of the objects he has. "Seems to me that boy wants to chat with you." He points out to the vibrating radio on my hip. Shacking my head with a smile I didn't want to leave this shop right now. "Wait a minute you have swords?" Glancing over my shoulder I always like the idea that swords are cooler than a bow and arrow. Wrapping my right hand around one of the handles with initials engraved on it. (Y/n) (L/n). Pulling it out of the holder closing my right hand tightly around it I started swinging it around like I was a child again. The next swing I take something flashes through my mind like I'm in the woods with David and Mr. Gold dressed in fancy outfits that make me drop it on the wooden floor. "Ah, here lass come with me." Gold spoke lifting my right hand seeing blood so he sits me down on the back table. He gently wrapped my hand up never looking away from me until the bell rings. "I'll be right back. Rest here."

He moves the curtain for the mayor's voice to appear so I get up from the coat lisening in. "I hope you bought travel insurance. Because no ones going anywhere." She glotted to which Gold asked. "Oh, really. And why's that?" She kept talking as I slowly moved the curtain so I can see outside without them knowing. "Because I found a solution to my Emma Swan old, reliable solution." Gold lifts his head up mumbling something I only heard in the fairytale Snow White. "A Sleeping Curse. Might I ask how you managed to obtain one here in Storybrooke." Regina rests her hands on the glass countertop. "By sacrificing the last bit of magic I had left." He parts his lips saying. "So you made magic from magic. Well, I'm sure I don't have to remind you that all magic comes with a price." Regina leans forward threatening in his face. "Then you can pay it!" I stumbled backwards into the table knocking over some books seeing words and symbols I don't understand. Sleeping Curse. Magic. I'm so confused as I run my hands through my hair hearing the woman leaving.

The crystal ball changes for me to see Snow and the Evil Queen talking and an apple in her hands. "The choice is yours. It must be taken willingly." Snow scoffs at her words. "And why would I do that?" The Queen's next words makes tears run down my face. "Because if you refuse the apple, your Prince, your Charming, will be killed." Snow sucked in tears her voice cracking at the thought. "I take that apple and he lives. That's the deal you want to make?" The Queen smirked as she took it from her hands biting into the red apple. She gulped it down and seconds later her body collapsed down into the grass. My hands fly to my mouth as I gasped releasing more tears for the loss of my friend. "No Snow - it can't end like this - not her - no me - not to my brother!"

Rumplestiltskin waved his hand engulfing me in red smoke having us appear in the middle of the woods before I see my brother running towards us. "David, I thought she'd killed you." Throwing my arms his neck with a grin feeling him hug me back whispering in my hair. "I thought the same about you..." He trailed off drawing his sword pointing it at Rumplestiltskin's throat. He shoves me behind him shouting. "Why did you have my sister!" Rumple giggles before I jump in between the two knocking his sword down. "We don't have time for this. Snow is in trouble." Rumple sits on a fallen tree holding our mothers ring revealing it to glow bright. "This ring is now enchanted. The closer you get to Snow White, the brighter it will glow." David takes a swing and the boy's sword fight until I draw my sword judging Rumple's next move which is beside me. Slamming my sword up onto my brother's surprising him. "Y/n!" Rumple and I glanced at each other before he showed the ring. "We want the same thing. For you and your true love to be together....maybe even make mine come true."

Brushing the curtain back Gold turns to face me tears lingering in his eyes for an unknown reason. Why did what she say upset him. "I'm about to close up for the night. I suggest going to have some fun with that boy." He spoke tucking some pieces of hair behind my ear. He stands in front of me for a little longer like he wants to say more but chooses not too. Heading for the door he called my name picking up the sword up front the floor making me not turn the door handle just yet. "Take this with you. Free of charge." Raising a brow I slowly take it from his hands putting the holder on eyeing him slightly confused. "Any particular reason why Gold?" He rests both his hands on top of his cane smiling at me. "Let's just say I'm invested in the future where you and I are...together." I smiled taking a step forward and kissing his cheek feeling my heart beating faster, he's more than people think he is. Entering Mary Margaret's apartment Emma and Henry are arguing as my stomach grumbles as I saw an treat on the counter. He said we needed to talk immediately. Tearing a piece off I see apple inside taking a bite at Henry cried my name. "Ella no!" He rushes to catch me as I fall and my head ends up in his lap. My vision blurs seeing him fight his mom for the treat and explaining before he took a bite too. "You may not believe in the Curse, or in me but I believe in you." He swallowed the bite collapsing as my eyes fell closed.

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