I need to get this off my chest... willex

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SCREAM/SERIAL KILLER AU INSPIRED BY "on your skin" by @star_explicit on ao3! VERY DARK!!


Alex paced around the room frantically, anxiously waiting for Willie to appear in the studio at 3pm like they'd planned, it was only 2:58pm and Alex thought his heart was about to give out before next two minutes. He was about to tell his boyfriend something only Reggie and possibly Luke knew about.

"Hey hotdog," he heard the skateboarder say as he walked in, skateboard in hand and a grin on his face. He tried to kiss Alex but was just met by an icy cold stare.

"Sit down" Alex's tone was calmer then usual, sending shivers down Willies spine.

"Alex what's going-"

"I said sit down!"

"I have to tell you something..." Alex continued as he calmed down, watching as willie sat down on the couch, right next to Reggie's flannel and Luke's guitar... which willie had only just noticed that they both had some sort of red, sticky substance on them.

His body froze as he stared up at his boyfriend.

"Alex what's going on?!" Willie shrieked, the tears finally escaping his eyes as he looked at the bathroom door in horror, it was only slightly open, but he could still see the lifeless bodies of Reggie and Luke... Alex's own best friends.

Alex put his arms across the back of his head, smiling from ear to ear as he recounted what had happened two hours ago, one hour before he called willie so they could 'hang out.'
"I killed them. Luke first, I still had the ghostface mask on so he has no idea it was me, but Reggie.... Man it was fun watching him suffer, especially when he pulled my mask off, hell his last words were 'Lex...I-I thought you liked me... I thought we were friends.' He was so fucking pathetic, gullible, a complete fucking moron. Reggie Macher deserved to die just for being weak. Luke just happened to walk in the door first."

The skateboarder refused to believe what Alex was saying, especially about Reggie.... The first person Alex came out too....

"I put Luke on the couch before he walked in and it was so funny when he thought he was 'saving' sleepy Luke. He literally refused to fucking scream just so that Luke could sleep.... Dumb fuck." The smirk on Alex's face faded as he saw willie holding up his phone that had just started recording.

"If I can't save myself I'm at least gonna get them justice you fucking psycho." He flinched as Alex pulled out the kitchen blade he'd been hiding inside his jacket. "Oh Willie.... You really think you're gonna get out of this alive? This isn't some fucking tv show where we all sing and everything gets better. Julie's dead, Carries dead, Flynn's dead, your dads dead. Luke's dead. Reggie's dead everybody is fucking dead! And soon you will be too, and they're all gonna blame you once I plant all the evidence. I'll be the innocent victim and you'll be the insane stalker boyfriend all the fans will fall for, I'll be the final boy because as a horror nut I listened to Randy and Mindy Meeks's rules and I'm the good Christian kid that could do no wrong, you? You're the mischievous rule breaker. You're no Sidney fucking Prescott, you're William fucking Covington."

"Fuck you, Alex!"

"Oh, but you already did that last night... and that's why you've gotta go... I don't make the rules." He plunged the knife straight into Willies stomach, watching the blood spill out as while willie collapsed onto the ground, as the faint sound of police sirens could be heard in the background.

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