You may be old but

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Owen was sick and tired of people calling him old he didn't know why he just really didn't like being called old.

Owen had gone to one of the gates and stared out at it before Guts Eryn Krow Magic Acho and Ori wondered up to him confused as to what he was going to do.

When he stepped into the maze after minute of begging him to come out Magic made a joke, that she wish she hadn't.

"Why don't you stay in there old man?" Joked Magic Owen sighed walking toward the maze "Alright goodbye" Said Owen running in "WAIT OWEN NO!" Screamed Magic trying to run in after him but Krow grabbed her.

"Won't be any good if you both die, I'll go in I don't have that many friends so it's better if it's me" Krow said as it charged into the maze

The gates shut shortly after this conversation but in the morning suprisingly instead of Krow helping an injured Owen it was the other way around. "You can have him back but I belong to the maze" said Owen as he turned to leave.

Magic ran after Him until he stopped at one of her and ash's meeting spots. Magic looked at Owen confused as to why he was so calm "Owen, please" said Magic Owen shook his head.

"I'm to old to be of use it's better I die before anyone gets caught in the crossfire" said Owen sighing

"Owen you may be old but your still our friend and our leader so hell no to that"

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