Owen & Oran teamup thingy

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Oran stood by himself the others at a campfire meeting would turn to face him ever so often confused as to what he was doing.

He was building a massive wall in front of the gate and the people at the meeting eventually came over to him confused. "Owen what on earth are you doing?" Asked Magic.

"Oh trust me kid, you don't want any part of what's coming" said Oran continuing work on his wall.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Asked Ori as a loud screech came from the maze door and some people went up the stairs to look at what was coming out.

It was people and Oran jumped down "Hello there" he said drawing his spear "Owen what they could be friendly!" Said Graecie causing Oran to chuckle "don't make me laugh!" Said Oran.

"...Hand the kid over" said one of the watchers with a small smirk evident in there voice "You owe me".

"I don't Owe you shit!" Said Oran causing most people to be shocked he could swear "Fine then we'll just kill you all by force!" Said The watcher knocking Oran back into a wall knocking him out everyone else just got ready to fight.

"You should've told them you could've warned them" Said Owen starring at him "why?".

"Ahh well I was probably going to kill them anyway what's the point of delaying what I wanna do?" Asked Oran.

"Listen here you Lay one finger on another person that isn't a watcher I'm gonna end you for good" said Owen straight forward Oran sighed.

"Why am I here?" Asked Oran looking around Owen's mind to see the dead standing behind Owen.

"Because it's my turn bitch" said Owen grabbing Oran and throwing him.

Owen got up to see his friends losing the watchers paused "uhhh boss that isn't Oran" said one of the watchers taking a step back "Oran who the hells Oran?" Asked Ori Graecie shrugged.

"you thought you could get rid of me that easily gee Owen I'm disappointed" said Oran chuckling "Oran again!" Said a watcher about to shoot at him.

"Nope" said Owen bonking them on the head with the sharp end of the javelin "Looks like were forced to work together ironic" said Oran Owen sighed "Blah blah just shut up and help me kill'em" said Owen.

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