Why can't i remember (owen & magic fluff)

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Magic sat sadly on her bed sighing "why can't I remember it's not fair why can't I remember?" She said tears in her eyes. She expected everyone else to be asleep so she thought it was safe to cry.

Awhile later her door swung open and Owen rushed in probably in less then a breathe. "Magic are you ok?" He asked looking at her She looked at him tears still present in her eyes.

"I'm fine Owen don't worry about it" Said Magic looking at him he looked back "you are obviously not ok" said Owen as he wiped tears from her face "what's wrong?" He asked.

"Why can't I remember?" Asked Magic shakily Owen looked at her "Look Magic, I'm sure it'd be nice to remember for maybe someone else but take it from me remembering just brings more pain." Said Owen looking at her.

Magic shrudded at the thought and didn't realise Owen put his arms around her she hugged back surprised when she realised "I thought you didn't like hugs" said Magic "I don't...however you needed one and it'd be way to rare for another of us to be up this late" said Owen.

Magic slowly fell asleep when she did Owen chuckled "I'm gonna be stuck like this for awhile aren't I?" Asked Owen. Owen eventually managed to shift his position so Magic was laying down.

"Sleep well kid" said Owen before writing a note and placing it on the bedside table. Owen pulled up the blanket and covered Magic as he exited the house he didn't expect to see Graecie Anyel and Soup.

"Ummm hello?" He said "Is Magic ok?" Asked Graecie "yeah the kids fine" said Owen as he went to walk off "hey wait where are you going?" Asked Anyel as Graecie grabbed him, "Owen at this point I'm pretty sure everyone knows you don't sleep so where are you going?" Asked Soup.

Owen sighed and looked at them "to do what I should've done from the start" said Owen they all turned to him confused as he sprinted off toward a wall.

"What's he even doing?" Asked Anyel "we can find out in the morning for now let's just all go to sleep" said Graecie as the 3 went there sperate ways.

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