My little solider part one - before the maze [BLOODVOICES AU]

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Owen sat down on the ground aiming his bow and firing the arrows so quickly.

Demons where heard screaming the battle field was chaotic but hey that was war.

They decided to tear his home town down but something looked at him something sparked in him something he didn't know what.

Something in him craved blood no longer caring what he caught an Arrow from a demon Archer and stabbed it into a humans heart before stabbing a demon.

Everyone looked at him "What the hell?" Asked a soldier as he charged at them and threw an axe at them with a smirk.

"I HAVE BEEN RAISED TO BRING BLOOD AND SO THATS WHAT I SHALL BRING!" Screamed Owen killing people and demons with no second thought.

His father looked at him and cheered "GO MY LITTLE SOLIDER!"
Owen couldn't stop it he wanted to stop it and he killed so many people he he did this?

"What?" He asked as he dropped to his knees and people came up to him "you are sentenced to maze for rocking up and causing chaos at this peace treaty" said An officer looking at him.

"PLEASE MAKE IT STOP!" He screamed everybody looked at him confused "Make what son?" Asked his father "YOU DID THIS! YOU CAUSED THIS!" Screamed Owen trying to stab Him.

"HEY HEY NO YOU CAN'T!" Screamed the officer.


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