Alt king griever au

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Owen sat down calmly as the meeting begun he knew Krow hated him and he was fine with Krow hating him. It stared at him "try to stop magic from going in the maze again and I'll kill you" it stated.

Magic just stared at Krow shaking her head. "We are gathered here to form a plan on how we're getting out of here, there has to be a way out and I'm done with living like this" said Mowhee.

Owen got up "Owen?" Asked Magic and then he sprinted to the maze he wasn't sure what came over him but he did.

Magic and Krow were the ones who chased after him and then he stopped in front of the creature he was defenceless.

The creature stared at him and it went to attack him but he held his hand up and pulled off one of his gloves he never took his glove off to reveal a gem stuck in it.

"Can you get this thing off my hand please?" Asked Owen the creature poked at it lightly causing it to shatter before bowing down to Owen.

"Any other orders commander?" Asked the griever "Ummm not to eat people anymore I can give you carrots or something" said Owen "Ooooo we be vegan again?" Asked the griever.

"Again? Uhhh yeah sure here's some carrots" said Owen offering it to them "remember stay hidden would it be wise to hide the fact I can do this?" Asked Owen "yes" said the griever.

Owen then turned around to seem Magic and Krow and he put his glove on before they could see his hand properly.

"So your the king of the grievers?" Asked Krow before Owen nodded the next thing any of them felt was a knife in there back.

"And so with the death of another universe another day debating weather I should reveal myself or not"

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