[ 2 4 : P e g g y ' s - c o u s i n s ]

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Warnings: Mentions of weapons/dangerous inventions, a few suggestive remarks and scenes and mention of war and bombs 

Spoilers: Agent Carter Season 1


"Elizabeth Carter, pleased to meet you, ma'am," Tonya nodded with a polite smile. "Peggy's told me all about this place; it sounds like such a homely place to live."

Miss Fry simply sniffed as Tonya's smile remained unwavering under the woman's scrutiny. She wondered whether Miss Fry remembered her from the last time someone had snuck her in as their cousin, or whether she was trying to decide whether Tonya was a man disguised as a woman – not an uncommon occurrence at this particular residence, she had been told – and she wasn't sure whether to be offended or not. Then, quite suddenly, the landlady appeared to resolve something in her mind and her expression became more kindly, though evidently false given her previous scepticism.

"Forgive me, Miss Carter, you seemed awfully familiar for a moment, but I've realised what it was now," Tonya glanced briefly at Peggy, mindfully maintaining her equally false smile as she anxiously awaited expansion on this statement. "You look almost exactly like that young actress, Tonya Stark."

She and Peggy simultaneously laughed nervously. "Do I really?" Tonya tittered. "Well, I can't say I've ever considered the acting profession–"

"and quite right too," Miss Fry interrupted, haughtily. "If you can even call it a profession. If you're anything like your cousin, I expect a lady such as yourself would never even dream of displaying yourself so vulnerably."

Tonya felt Peggy's eyes boring into her, imploring her to roll with the punches, and she clenched her teeth as she replied. "Of course not."

Thankfully, the landlady appeared not to have noticed the slightly forced nature of her reply as she wrote Tonya's false details into a visitors' book. "Yes, and all the trouble that young lady is in now, but I suppose that's mostly down to that brother of hers. If she had any sense, she would have disassociated herself from that scandalous man long ago, although I hear she's not much better than he is. I'm not one to gossip, though, of course."

All Tonya could manage was a tight-lipped smile. Apparently, it was difficult to maintain an act when someone was insulting your brother to your face; she'd faced a similar problem when she'd been talking to Jack the other day. Peggy seemed to sense her faltering and she took her arm to guide her towards the stairs. "Thank you so much, Miss Fry, we'll be down for dinner."

"Oh, Miss Carter!" Miss Fry called after them, and she pointed at Tonya to indicate which of them she was referring to. "We have a few vacancies here if you're looking to apply for a place to board. You seem exactly the kind of young lady suited to the Griffith."

Tonya only just managed to hold in her laugh; she couldn't think of a place she was less suited to. "Thank you, Miss Fry, but I'm not in America for long and I already have my accommodation sorted," and then for good measure. "Though I will certainly keep your offer in mind; you never know with the instability of our current climate what issues may arise."

"Quite right," Miss Fry nodded, dotingly. "Few young women are so socially aware these days – I commend you, Miss Carter."

After an exchange of final saccharine smiles, the two 'Carters' departed up the stairs towards Peggy's apartment.

"Display myself vulnerably, do I?" Tonya muttered to herself, in her own accent, once they were alone in a corridor. "I assure you, Miss Fry, there is no safer wall to hide behind than that of an actress."

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