[ 9 : j u s t - n o t i c i n g ]

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Warnings: Mention of explosive, but no actual explosion

Spoilers: Agent Carter Season 1


"Did you find– what the hell is that?!" Tonya gaped at the glowing object in Peggy's clutch, which she had opened only a crack once she was sure no one was around the back alley they had hurried down.

"Apparently Howard didn't account for the fact that the piece of paper could become more than a formula."

"Apparently so..." she muttered, cursing her brother as Peggy snapped the bag shut. "This thing is bad news; I never really wanted to see it become a reality. We need to get it back to Jarvis and diffuse it right now."

Peggy shook her head. "People know you were here now. If they make any sort of connection to you and this, you'll surely be incriminated, which won't look good for you or Howard, especially considering you were released from custody only hours ago. You go home and make sure you've got an alibi; I'll sort this."

"You sure? I know this thing inside and out, Peg, it's not pleasant." Tonya frowned, understanding the precautions she had to take but worrying for her friend's safety with the concerning object.

"I'll be fine: I'll call you as soon as I've diffused it or if I need any help."

Tonya nodded. "Make sure you do; I'll be ready if you need me. Good luck, Peg – we're one step closer to Howard's freedom, though I'm beginning to wonder whether he's worth the trouble." she joked; of course, he was, she just hoped there wasn't much more trouble ahead.

She tapped softly on the front door, but it was enough for the vigilant Jarvis to hear as she saw him through the clouded glass, hurrying down the hallway to let her in. She hadn't thought until she had seen him, but it was lucky he was still up to unlock the door for her.

She had watched Peggy climb into the first cab that stopped, which didn't take long as the traffic was practically racing to offer her a ride; it seemed Spider Raymond wasn't the only one with a thing for blondes, although she didn't doubt they'd be any less eager if Peggy wasn't in disguise. In an effort to look slightly less conspicuous and avoid recognition as she emerged from the alley after Peggy's cab had driven away, Tonya had replaced her veiled hat. Hearing a slight commotion in the club, she was thankful that she did and hurriedly hailed a cab before she could get roped into the fuss.

Once she was safely seated and driving away, she'd decided to remove the article in the hopes that the driver could be used as a witness of her distance from any sort of events if the need was to arise. However, it turned out that all he proved useful for was an endless spiel of compliments, questions and pleads for autographs upon clocking who he had in the back of his vehicle. She supposed she should have expected this, but she wasn't used to being driven by anyone other than Jarvis, and he was far more pleasant company that the enthralled stranger she had to endure the journey with. He seemed a little too enraptured for her liking, so she judiciously directed him to drop her off on a street a good ten minutes from her house. After reassuring him that she would be perfectly fine, thanking and paying him for the ride and ensuring he was out of sight and not planning to follow her home, she began the small trek back to the house. It wasn't ideal after the night she had, but it was better than her private address being published in tomorrow's paper, especially given it wasn't technically her address.

Jarvis had so kindly insisted she stayed with him and Ana rather than alone in one of her own homes while Howard was away. If she and Howard didn't have an ongoing project that required sleepless nights, she lived alone anyway – as long as you didn't count the occasional 'companion' an actual resident (she certainly wasn't as extravagant as Howard in this area of fame, but it was enough for it to be notable in the press more than a few times) – but Jarvis and Ana had allowed no excuses, arguing that at least while this business of scandal was continuing, they would much rather know what was happening with her, to put them both at ease. She had agreed to stay with them for this reason, particularly for Jarvis, who got rather panicked when she or Howard found themselves in more serious trouble than the usual kind; she could tell he had been on edge since this whole affair started, and her being taken into custody and Howard leaving the country certainly wouldn't have helped his nerves. That, and she adored the Jarvises, so staying with two of her closest friends was no unwelcome offer.

"I realised you wouldn't have a key. Apologies, I should have given you the spare," the butler whispered, as he closed the door behind her and then immediately moved to help remove her coat.

Tonya felt a pang of guilt as she realised Ana must have been asleep and she had kept Jarvis up beyond his hours. "Jarvis, you needn't have waited up, I'm sorry I'm so late..."

The man shook his head rapidly. "Nonsense, despite what I told Miss Carter, I do understand that a life of espionage often requires the expansion of boundaries. Besides, it wouldn't be very hospitable of me to let you return to a silent home after the night you've had, would it?"

"Well, you've been hospitable enough letting me stay here at all, honestly," she continued hurriedly as Jarvis began tutting and dismissing her remarks. "But thank you, Jarvis, it's truly kind of you."

He smiled in either acceptance or dismissal, she wasn't sure, but he spoke before she could work it out. "I assume it went well. Has Miss Carter returned home?"

"Yes, thankfully, it all ran rather smoothly, other than the piece of paper turning out to be a glowing, highly explosive orb. I offered to help Peggy safely diffuse it, but she believed it was too risky for it to be seen anywhere near me or my houses, so she took it back with her to her apartment."

"I see, well, let's pray she deals with it without any snags. She did telephone upon discovering the unpleasant surprise – she said you were preoccupied dancing with Agent Thompson..."

Tonya had only been half listening as Jarvis bustled over to the coat-stand after whisking her coat away before she could hang it up herself. She had been undoing the small buckles on her shoes, but her attention snapped back at the name Jarvis finished with. It took her a moment to regain her composure.

"Yes, he was close to becoming a hindrance, so I distracted him, rather well, I think."

"I'm sure you did."

She frowned. "What are you implying, Jarvis?"

Jarvis shrugged nonchalantly, brushing the other coats on the stand so she couldn't see him smirking. "Nothing at all, Miss, I just noticed that he has been mentioned frequently over the last 24 hours."

"Oh, have you been counting?" she asked sarcastically, hiding her slight embarrassment with irritation.

"Just noticing." he repeated cryptically.

Tonya scoffed and straightened up as she set her shoes aside. "You're lucky your wife is my best friend, or I'd be tempted to dismiss you right now." Her words held no truth, of course, but she had no better comeback and took the opportunity to go to wait by the telephone in the lounge for Peggy's call.

"Unless Agent Thompson can steam laundry as well as I can, I don't believe that's the best idea." Jarvis muttered, allowing a smirk on his face now that she was out of sight, but evidently not out of earshot as a furious whisper sounded down the hall as soon as his comment was heard.



Author's Note: Hi guysss just thought I'd let you know that I had a random burst of inspiration and suddenly had an idea of the plotline of this for Season 2 woop even though I'm not even certain where this Season 1 plotline is going, but here we are lolll you probably didn't need to know, but up until now I only had a vague idea for Season 2 and was thinking of just leaving it at Season 1, but lucky for you this tragic piece of writing is going even further yayyy


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