[ 7 : t e a - a n d - w h i s k y ]

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Warnings: Alcohol (nothing irresponsible)

Spoilers: Agent Carter Season 1


"So, did you go for the 'vulnerable woman' ploy you had devised?" Jarvis poured a whisky for the woman sat at the table behind him, while brewing a tea for himself; he had suggested the same for her, but, understandably, she had requested something stronger after the previous hours she had experienced.

Tonya thanked him as he handed her the glass, and she took a sip. "Well, I decided not to in the end..."

Jarvis settled into the chair on the side of the table adjacent to where she was sat. Ordinarily, he would have sat opposite, but he realised that she was probably tired of someone talking to her across a table at this point. "Oh, how come?"

"I thought they might pull the 'actress counterargument' and consider it all a performance."

"Well, I do believe you would have been tremendously convincing."

"Hm, thank you, Mr Jarvis. Anyway, I didn't fancy unnecessarily embarrassing myself in front of Agent Thomspon..."

"Agent Thompson? I can't say I've heard him mentioned before... Any reason you were concerned of his opinions on you?"

"No! None at all! He just happened to be the agent interrogating me and I decided that I wasn't going to make a fool of myself in front of him; it was clear his ego was already elated enough..."

"Of course..."

"Anyway," Tonya continued, forcefully changing the subject in a way she hoped didn't make her seem as flustered as she felt. "I think my change of plan actually gave me better results."

"Oh?" Jarvis' interest was successfully diverted, to her relief. However, he did secretly make a mental note not to forget her mention of Agent Thompson.

"Mhmm," she nodded with a proud smirk. "I managed to convince them that I truly knew nothing of Howard's whereabouts or plans and was simply a worried sister looking for information. I reckon they pretty much told me everything they know so far, which, thankfully, isn't very much, although I can't say it gives me much faith in our supposed 'intelligence' agencies."

Jarvis chuckled quietly to himself. "Well, that is impressive. Perhaps you should have been an agent along with Miss Carter."

Tonya laughed. "Oh, I don't think so. It was thoroughly exhausting, and I wasn't even the one conducting the interrogation! Oh, but," Jarvis raised an amused eyebrow as she giggled to herself at a memory. "You'll love this... they clearly didn't want any publicity on the situation, so they kept referring to my questioning as 'a different kind of interview' to the ones I am used to. Can you believe that?"

She grinned as Jarvis laughed; it was an almost unusual sound coming from the usually composed and formal man, but she was proud of the fact that she would be regarded by him as one of the few people able to humour him in such a way.

"That is amusing." he confessed, with the remnants of his laughter still on his face.

With a final smile, she rose from her seat. "Right then, I best get ready: I'm meeting Peggy at Spider Raymond's club to see if I can help her recover the first of Howard's stolen bad babies."

Jarvis' expression immediately returned to a more familiar one of concern. "Do you think it's wise to show your face so soon after your release? The agents Miss Carter works with aren't entirely idiotic – I'm sure they'll show up too to have their own look around. You might end up throwing away the work you did today if they catch you."

Tonya gave him a frown of her own and shook her head. "I hardly think it will be that risky. Besides, I could prove a useful distraction: it'd be better for one of them to recognise me than Peggy."


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