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Next Morning...
Mishti and Abir were sleeping facing each other but at a distance, Abir's one arm is tightly engulfed in Mishti's hands and she is sleeping hugging it closer to her, Abir's palm was rested on her cheek...

Opening his eyes a warm smile appeared on his face seeing her sleeping peacefully and holding his arm closer to her...

If everything would have been normal between them then Abir would have snuggled closer to her and shower all his love on her but now he wanted to heal her slowly and wanted to make her feel safe in his presence...

Withdrawaing his hand back he got up from the bed and went into bathroom, returning back quickly after doing his morning business he went near her and kissing her forehead he called Mishti softly in order to wake her up...

Mishti opening her eyes, giving him angry glare turned other side and slept again, Abir smiled like a fool seeing a glimpse of old Angry Mishti... But realising what she did, opened her eyes and sit straight taking a support of the bedrest saying sorry to him in low voice Mishti looked away...

Abir felt bad because of her formal behaviour with him but not wanting to drag the matter he patted her head and requested her to freshen up till then he will bring breakfast for them...
Obeying him Mishti taking a fresh pair of clothes went into bathroom, freeing herself from clothes she stood under the shower and burst out crying...
Mishti knows that she is punishing Abir and herself, she is spoiling their relation but she is scared, scared of his closeness, scared of being alone again, scared of everything and everyone...

Hiding her face in hands, Mishti shook her head...
She is falling weak and she is hating herself for this... She is always a strong person who stood up for herself who stood up for right but this Mishti is weak and is unknown to her...

Mishti badly wanted to scream that she is right and done nothing wrong but scared of after consequences, she closed her eyes in helplessness, Mishti is scared of accusing glares which she had to face...

Thinking about all this she closed the shower and drying her body, wearing her clothes came out...

Abir sitting on the bed is busy on phone when Mishti came out, looking at her eyes Abir knew that she has cried but now her face is deprived of any emotions...
Mishti is walking as robot giving no reaction to her surroundings... Her hairs were dripping wet as if she forgot to dry them..
One end of towel was in her hand and other end is sweeping the floor and she is walking towards her side of bed...

Abir went near her and taking out towel from her hands he gestured her sit on the bed and Mishti without any question obeyed him, Abir dried her hairs and did many silly antics to make her laugh but no success,
Walking near dressing table he brought mangalsutra and sindoor for her,

Tieing the chain around her neck he filled her hairline,
Kneeling down in front of her he joined his forehead with hers and spoke...
"Always with you..." Kissing her forehead he stood up..

A warm feeling enveloped in her heart seeing this gesture of his, she just wanted to hug him tight and cry her heart out on his shoulder and scold him for leaving her alone but lowering her eyes decided against it, Abir knows he is missing something related to her, and she is stopping herself from getting close to him but what is it he is unaware about it...

Having breakfast in silence, Abir grabbing her hand spoke...
"Mishti mujhe aaj NGO jana padega thoda si der ke liye...voh 4-5 din se gya nahi na, isliye... Toh kya tumhe Badi maa ke paas jana hai.. I will come in Afternoon to take you back.."

Mishti shooking her head climb up on the bed...

Abir passing a smile went out of the room and coming near the window he peeped in with a wide smile and spoke... "Take care Angry Chorni..."
and ran from there....

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