Asking for help

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|Kid's Point of View |

It all started a few months ago. I realized that I am developing a crush on maka Albarn. The way she blushes when someone complement her, her symmetrical pigtails and outfit.
I just love her.
She's she she's just so admirable. Strong and strong willed, what more could a person be? She stands up for herself and can fight and strategize. She's just so amazing.

The next morning

|Maka's Point of View |

"Soul! Wake up I made pancakes!!!!" I said. He comes down into the kitchen and I kiss him on the cheek.
"Hi sweetie" I smile.
"Don't call my sweetie, it makes me think of my mom, and I don't want to think of my mom when I think of you." He explains.
"Oh, okay. How about babe?"
"Yeah, sure' whatever"

|Kid's Point of View|

I wake up to my musical alarm clock, and I get up and put on my black dress pants and white dress shirt and brush my teeth.
I walk down into the huge kitchen to see my father having tea just siting there. "Hi father" I say a little groggy. " hi kiddo~ how is my precious son?" He says with his comedic voice.
"I'm alright," I shifted,"I need some advice" I said.
"What do you need advice on?" He said before he took a sip of his tea. "I really like this girl, and I need some help approaching the subject with her" I said trying to plan my Words as I spoke them. Trying to be strategic.
"Hmm, why don't you just go up to them and tell them, why the question?" My father says. I get a little nervous but why would my dad be mad at me for loving maka?
"Maka" I say.
my father doesn't say anything. This is making me nervous! Why isn't he saying anything! Does he know something I don't?
Liz walks down into the kitchen in a TANK TOP AND SHORT SHORTS?!?! "Hi guys" Liz says groggily fluffing her small shirt.
"Liz can you please put on more clothes?!?!" I said slightly loud.
"Kiddo~ be nice to them, you can throw off their soul wave length, it is extremely difficult to put back two wavelengths." My father scolds me.
"okay, I will be more carful" I say apologetically.
"Okay, but if you don't like what in am wearing, you will hate what patty is wearing."Liz says warningly.
"Hiii!" Patty says in a very too small bikini!
"Patty can you please putt on more clothes" I say calmly but in the inside I am screaming.
"Okaaaaaay! But I don't understand how you two are able to wear all those layers when it is like 50 degrees out!"
I look at the thermometer. She is right, it's unfair to ask them to change. but since me and my father Are grim reapers we don't get hot or cold. "I just don't notice, I am sorry Liz and patty for forgetting that you two can overheat" "it's fine, but please can you start making breakfast" Liz asks.

|time skip to after breakfast and Thomson sister getting dressed|

"Liz! Patty! Hurry up and get dressed!" I yell. Liz walks down into living room and now we are waiting for patty. Patty slides down the hall way in ONE YELLOW AND ONE ORANGE SOCK!!!!!
"What are you thinking wearing asymmetrical socks?!" I yell. "I dunno, Liz took the other sock." She says. "You two only have two pairs of socks?" "Yeah" Liz says. " We are going shopping" I say. "now?" Liz asks. "Yes now, I can barely stand the fact that you guys have only one of each sock colour." I half yell.
{time skip to after shopping}
So I made them go into pistol form and I summoned bezzlebub. (His skateboard) we took off towards the clothing store. I got them each the perfect amount of socks, 8!!!! Which I bought with my family credit card. We got back to gallows manor and they get into there new socks. They go into pistol form and I summon my skate board and we were off to steins desection class.
{time skip to entering the dwma}
Liz and patty got out of their weapon form and stretched. 'I always wondered what is was like or be in a weapon form?' I thought. We entered and a knife flew right at me, with my fast reflexes but not as quick mind I reached out and not until then knife was embedded in my hand I realized I had caught an airborne knife! "Ow! MOTHER OF A REAPER THAT HURT!" I grabbed the knife in my hand and threw it at his desk and wiped the blood on my pants, symmetrically of coarse. I sat at my usual seat and listened to his boring lesson on how to desect a eagle of coarse he was showing us how. I just sat there studying my hand as I saw my hand webbing up like a spider webbing together a web. Of corse there was a scar. My Plan for my pants was to go to my father, he always has a spare change of clothing. He is just weird like that.
The bell rung and I sat up. "Are you okay kid?" Asked maka. " Yeah my hand has already healed I will just go have some tea with my father." I said casually like it was normal to have tea with lord death. "It Must he awesome to be pulled out of classes just to have tea." Soul said with his toothy grin. "Liz, patty, just go to the next class i am going to talk to my father" I said to the girls.
I start walking when maka ran up to me. "Oh kid" maka said. " Yes maka what is it?" I asked.
"I just want to say that me and soul are dating." She said happily. "Okay, I will be heading to the death room now" I said calmly but on the inside I wanted to crush soul. I walked down the twisting corridors and got to the huge metal door that signified the death room. I walked in and I saw my father and his death-scythe spirit. "Hello my kiddo~ how are ya!" My dad said
"Not to good to be honest, but do you know something I could punch I am quite angry." I said in a calm voice but my father knew better not to only judge by my face. "Well you can punch spirit" my father suggested. "What?!?" Spirit said in shock. I walked up to him and I yelled "reaper-chop" and I hit him on the skull and I left a huge dent. "Is he going to be okay?" I ask. " I don't know can you bring him to the infirmary?" My father asked. "Yeah." I said. I picked up the full grown man and left the death room. I walked down the hall with an unconscious spirit in my arms bridal style. "What happened to spirit?" Sid asked. "Father allowed me to reaper chop him because I was angry, and now I am bringing him to the infirmary" I explained. "Why were you angry?" Sid asked. " Well I just found out that the person I love is dating there weapon and I am quite angry because I was going to tell them I love them." I said my voice escalating with anger. "Do you need help carrying spirit? When i was alive I once had to carry him on a mission and he was very heavy." He said. " I think I will manage." I said. As I got to the infirmary I putt spirit down on the bed and I grabbed the pocket mirror I kept in my pocket. "42-42-564 when ever you wanna knock on dad's door" I recited to myself. The mirror rippled and an image of my father was there. "Hiya kiddo~ is anybody there?" my father asked. "No, can you call stein?" I asked. Just as I said that the mirror rippled and when back to a mirror and over the Intercom "can maka albarn of class crescent moon and professor stein go to the infirmary" I just wait.
|maka's POV|
"Can maka albarn of class crescent moon and professor stein go to the infirmary" came over the intercom. We were in Marie's weapon training class and alI was doing was watching soul learn new ways to half form. "Maka you are excused from class." Marie says. So I started walking down towards the infirmary when I hear stein's computer chair roll by and smell the stench of cigarette smoke. "Hi professor stein! Do you know why we were called to the infirmary?" I asked him. "It probably has to do with you father spirit, because why would you be called for someone in the infirmary if it was someone else?" He says if it was common knowledge. He does make a point. What had my papa gotten into this time? I think to myself. Before I know it I was at the door of the infirmary. I walk in to see my papa unconscious and kid sitting there.
|Death the Kid's P.O.V|
Maka and stein walked in. "What happened to papa?" Maka asks concerned. " He got reaper chopped and went unconscious and I brought him here." I said trying to hide the fact I reaper chopped him. I was reading there souls and maka's was oblivious and stein knew I hit him, not my father. Stein go up to death scythe and looks at his head and says he has a fracture but nothing serious. I sigh in relief. " It is weird that lord death actually fractured his skull. He only bruises his head usually, it must've been something to act like this." He says but he looks at me not at maka when saying this statement as if saying 'I know you hit him' this worries me. I says my goodbyes and I head home for school had ended. When I get home I am depressed out of my mind. I go to the kitchen and I grab a bottle of vodka and I sit down in the living room. I don't have to hide in room because the girls are having a sleep over at tsubaki's house. I finished and only a little buzzed since I am a reaper alcohol doesn't really affect me. Why can't I just escape this pain! I go to the washroom and I see Liz's razor. I brake one and I grab the razor and I cut across my wrist. I don't know why but this helps. I cry and cry thinking on how and I gonna drive maka away from soul. I look Like a wreck! My hair is matted and my eyes are bloodshot and my wrist and all cut up. It is now I realize I need help. I fog up the mirror in the washroom and I put in 42 42 564 and I wait for the magic to set in.
|lord death's pov|
I was having a late meeting with my death scythes Azusa, Spirit, and Marie. When my mirror starts rippling. I check and it is my kiddo. " give me a minute death scythes, kiddo is calling, probably to say goodnight." I get up and walk over to the mirror and I wave my hand to signify I was answering. I say. "Hiya kid-- kiddo! What is wrong!" I panicked and I ripped him through the mirror.
|kid'd pov|
My dad rips me through the mirror. When I get through my dad is basically crying. I. Feel so bad. "Kiddo why?" My father cry asks me. I am defeated. " maka is dating soul." I say it and in those four words my voice cracks. My dad makes me take off my tux then my dress shirt only leaving me with my pants and no shirt. This wasn't a problem until I noticed the death scythes! I have no shirt on, alcohol on my breath and slits down both my wrist, in front of people I was raised around! My wrist dripping with blood I was a wreck to say the least. Spirit turns his arms into scythes and says " I swear I am gonna beat soul up!" Smoke basically coming from his ears. " Spirit not now" my father says in a serious voice. " Death scythes, I will let you see me in my human form, don't tell anyone." After my father says that he slowly takes off his mask and then his gloves and finally his robe. My father has hair the same size as spirit but jet black and lines of Sonzu connected. He is tall and very muscular. He gets on one knee and grabs my wrist. He says "Iyasu" (heal in Japanese) and touches my wrist and soon they were mere scars. He gets up and looks at his death scythes all astounded by his human form. Azusa and Marie were blushing while the men in the room were just astounded. Because my dad was in only a white tank top and boxers. I get up and my father walks to the table as if nothing just happened. "Kiddo why don't you have some tea?" My father asks. "Sure chichue." I answer. I sit down next to my father. Obviously they want answers. Spirit was the first to break the silence. " Kid, why was it that you cared so much that maka was dating soul?" He asks cautiously. " To be honest, I am head over heals for her and I was gonna tell her I loved her today, but before I could say anything she said she was dating soul." I said calmly. Marie walked straight up to me and hugged me. "Don't ever scare us that badly kiddo, I almost had a heart attack when I saw you on that mirror! " She said as she hugged me. I hugged her back. "Hey kiddo, why did you call me?" My father asked. " I wad calling because I needed help, I need a new way to heal instead of drinking and cutting." I said. As soon as my father heard I was drinking he leaned in and smelt my breath. " Kid, there is no point to drinking, it won't affect you. But I can tell you are a little buzzed, what did you drink?" My father asked me. "A whole bottle of vodka" I said shying away from my father's gaze. "Way to go kid!" Spirit chanted. " Reaper chop!" My father said and hit spirit. " Kid I didn't know you drank" Marie said. I am still waiting for my dad to scold me but all he does is hand me a mint? Oh for my breath! God I am stupid just realizing! I take the mint from his hand and put it in my mouth. Spirit groaned and sat up. Azusa asks " kid or lord death, I was wondering if you two get hangovers?" my father says " no, maybe kid, but no for me." I add " if I drank something really strong but usually no. " I laugh a little making all the adults confused. "Kid, why are you laughing?" Spirit asks me. " I says almost dying of laughter. " I just think it is funny all of you seem not disturbed by my father in boxers and a tank top but by me drinking." Marie yawns then laughs too. "I guess that is weird we find it more amusing that you drink that see a lord we all worship in his sleep wear" my father blushes noticing that we are talking about him in his underwear. " I guess you guys are sleepy, do you guys want of spent a night in the death room? The door is locked so nobody will see you in you sleeping attire." He moved his hands in a circle and then a purple aura engulfed his hands and a bag full of clothes appears. All of the death scythes agree to the sleep over in the death room. Me, father, spirit turn around for , Marie and Azusa get changed and they turn around when spirit gets changed. I look at my father, and ask "where is my pyjamas?" "I couldn't get them, it's like you chained them." My father explains. " I didn't chained my clothing, I used my magic to shock who ever touches it because they can ruin the symmetry." I answer "well I don't know what to do, you can fall asleep in you boxers" my dad suggests. " Okay......" I say hesitantly because I am surrounded by adults. I take off my pants and now I am walking around the death room in only boxers. " Hey kid, why are your eyes red?" Spirit asks. My father hands me his cloak and I get in it. "When a shinigami is cold there eyes go red." My father explains. My father is on a big bed and I am cuddled up with my head on his lap and in this huge cloak. Before I know it I am drifting to sleep.
{time skip to morning}
I wake up to see my father in his other cloak and usual outfit, Marie, spirit, and Azusa in there regular outfits, and stein, Sid and naigus! All of them 'aww'ing and looking as if I was a baby. " Is there something on my face?" I say groggily and then I yawn and stretch. They all aww except stein. He saw I was annoyed by all the adults. I go to storm off but I fall on my dad's ridiculous big robe. It falls off me and I am in underwear!!! In front of everyone!!! Before I can think I run behind my 7 foot dad. "Does anyone have clothing for kiddo kun?" My father asks "most of us are much bigger than kid" Sid says " I can give him my lab jacket, but that's it." Stein says " father can I just have my robe" I emphasize 'my'. My dad moves two fingers I up and down manner and magic comes from his hand then my cloak levitates towards me. I grab it and put it on. I walk out from behind my father and I am blushing crazily! I get out as quickly as I can, I am gonna try to get to back to gallows manor and change. *RING* damn! The bell I am gonna be forces to go to class in my cloak! I walk in and take my usual seat. " Hey kid where were you? You weren't at gallows manor." Liz said. " I was in the death room with my father." "Why?" Liz asked. " Personal reasons" I answer trying to get off topic. I look to see professor stein roll into class. Usually it is naigus teaching shinigami 101 but stein must be filling in for her. " Okay I will be substituting for naigus, today's topic is shinigami mating" stein announced. This is going to be embarrassing! "Okay, for a shinigami to mate they need to have a partner to be with for all eternity, when found they make a choice of turning them to a shinigami or leaving them as there current form. Giving birth to a shinigami has a very high fatality rate. Even if the woman is shinigami, like kid's mother was, they can still die. Reason is the fetus's growth rate is very quick. Human usual is 9 months, a shinigami is 1 month. The babies crush ribs and can even puncture things with their teeth. " I face palm " Mai, kid's mother described becoming shinigami like a fire burning through your whole body for hours. The venom is very excruciating and if not the woman is not strong enough can die. Shinigami are only born men." I know most of this stuff the only thing I learned was what my mom's name was. " With most shinigami you can tell what they are feeling by their eyes, red means cold, yellow means neutral and glowing yellow means under madness. " Stein said. " If kid, was to get a life partner" pointing at me " he would have to bite the girl in the neck and draw blood, usually naigus would have lord death or kid demonstrate, but we can't just make someone a shinigami." He explains " WHY DONT WE JUST HAVE KID BITE HIS CRUSH?!?!" BlackStar yells. I put my head down on my desk and I am tomato facing! God why can't he just shut up for a moment! I am just hearing chanting 'bite the crush!' Over and over by my fellow classmates. I hear magic and it must be father calling stein. Stein waves his hand in a circle to signify that he is answer. " Hiya! How are ya?" My father says happily. "i am good" stein says. " Can you dismiss kiddo kun, I need to talk to him, about what you guys are talking about" I blush because I know what he is gonna talk to me about. I get up and I walk down the halls to the death room. I walk down the pathway with guillotines and reach where my father is. "Hello father" I say. " Hiya kid kun" my father says. " Why was I summoned to the death room?" I ask. "Well I want you to pursue maka, I will handle soul. You have gotten to the age where your venom is close to developing so you can make maka a shinigami and welcome her to the death family, spirit is even on board." my father says happily. " Okay" I said cautiously. I leave and go to my next class. It's Marie's half forming class and all the meisters do is watch. I walk in not paying attention and something hits my face. I get up and I see that everyone is around me and all are consurned. I get up and ask " what hit me?" " BlackStar was running around I guess his fist hit your head, are you okay kid kun?" Marie said. " Sorry dude" BlackStar says " I am good" I reassure people. "Okay, we were learning on how to half form in different places" Marie demonstrated my turning her foot into a hammer. We all spread out, I stood beside Liz and patty, patty was foolish and turned her knee into a gun and then she thought it would be smart to move her leg and she accidentally shot the ground. Everyone got startled because patty shot the ground. I was watching other weapons half form. Soul got blades going up his back and tsubaki was able to make enchanted sword fingers. All the weapons looked weird when half forming.
|soul's POV|
The bell rang, I said bye to the gang and was about to start walking how with my girlfriend maka then spirit came up to me. " Soul you are wanted in death room." Spirit said. " Okay, bye maka meet you at home!" I walked to the death room. I got in and I saw lord death just standing in front of his mirror. I wonder why they wanted me, probably because I am close to becoming a death scythe. "Soul, I want you to get away from maka, I am splitting you two up. You will ask for the separation and if not spirit will come after you. You have till tomorrow. " Lord death threatened me! I am scared! I walk back to me and maka's apartment. " Hey maka" I say sadly knowing if I split as a partnership we have to break up. "Hey soul! Is something wrong?" She says happily. "We have to stop being weapon Meister pairing and I want to break up. " I said sadly. I grab a bag and my clothing and my iPod and I leave. I leave and close the door and now I realize I don't have anywhere to live. I go to BlackStar's house. I get there and I knock. the door opens. " Hey, back star I stay here for awhile?" I say. "Did you and maka have a fight?" He asks calmly. " No, we broke up" I say. Black star gets out of the way and lets me in. We sit down on his couch. "Why did you and maka break up?"he said calmly. " I was threatened, lord death said I had to or spirit would come after me." I said. "Hmmm, I wonder why lord death wants you two to break apart" he said pondering.
|kid's pov|
I was just laying on my couch with the sisters and then I heard a faint knock. I get up and tell them to go In pistol form because I didn't know anyone in a right mind how would come to the manor. They go into gun form and I walk up to the door and point the guns at the door. I open it and I see maka? Why is maka at the door at midnight? I through Liz and patty over my shoulder and they transform I grab maka by her arm and put her on my back and I run her up to my room using my shinigami strength. I drop her on my bed. " Maka why are you here?" I ask consurned. "Kid for 1, how long have you been that strong and fast, and 2, soul and I just broke up." Her voice cracks. " I have always been that strong I just never really had to use it around you." I explain. I hear Liz and patty running up the stairs. " Kid please warn is before you throw us and then use your reaper speed to run away" Liz says annoyed. " Liz go grab maka some sleep atire" I ask Liz. " I would but I don't have clothing she would fit" she says. " Maka where is you clothing in your house" I ask " birch dresser in my room why?" She asks. " Irui" I say as a purple aura engulfs my hand and a bag appears in front of me. " Maka, I grabbed some of your clothing for tomorrow and Pyjamas" I say. " Thanks kid :) " she says. After 5 minutes of her in my room she comes out in lingerie?!? " Maka, to say this in the nicest way, why the hell are you in lingerie!?" " I ask. "Well, I normally wear it since I was dating soul." She says like she was wearing footsie pajamas. " Okay, we don't have a guest room, and Liz and patty share a room, do you want to spend the night?" I ask. She says "sure"  and I open the door and she walks in. She lays on my bed.  Hey maka," I say. " Yes kid" she ask " I need to get changed, do you mind if I change in front of you?"  I ask."Sure" she say. So I take off my blazer then my shirt then. She jumps up off my bed and grabs my wrist that are littered with scars. " Kid, why do you have scare on your wrist?" She ask studying my wrists. " Well, I will explain when I am finished getting into my sleep wear." I say. She sits back down on my bed and then I start taking off my pants. Now I am in boxers and I sit down next to her. " Kid I didn't think you fell asleep in your boxers" she says. " Like father like son." Is all I say. " So why do you have scars on your wrist?" She asks. I think of a way but all I do is lean in and kiss her she doesn't cower away, all she does is lean into the kiss. We stop because she needs air. " Kid why did you kiss me?" She asks. " That was why I was cutting, that was all I wanted to do when you were dating soul. " I say.

| I am doing a lemon scene then picking up from there! but I hope you liked chapter 1 of reaper with a wish|

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