Kid's bachlor party

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{kid's P.O.V.}
I was in the death room with spirit, and my father when he calls for maka and her friends. We wait and drink tea. "So kid, what are you gunna wear?" Spirit asks. "Just my regular tux I think" I say. "What! No! You must wear something special! I know a great tux shop. It is where I get my tuxedos for work and formal occasions." He says to me being eccentric. Soon maka, Liz, patty and tsubaki walk in. Maka come in and walks up to kid kissing him. "Nice to see you again maka" I say. "Okay, the reason I asked you guys to be here I'd because maka needs a bachelorette party. No intimate stuff with maka is will result with painful spasms. Kid you have mark her as your own?" My father says to us. I think back and remember you have to bite them to mark them. I will bite her on her wrist because if I bite her on her neck I might make her a shinigami. I grab her hand and I bring it to my mouth. 'Now the hard part!' I open my mouth and *crunch* I bite through some bones in her hand. "Now I have" I tell my father with a smirk. She drops to her knees clutching her hand. Tsubaki rushes to her side. "Kiddo, you have some blood on you" my father points at my face. I look over at Liz and patty. "Can you help me?" I ask them. Liz grabs the inside of her jacket and wiped the blood off my face onto her small all jacket. She puts back on the jacket. I look over at her and see spirit kneeling by her. I use my soul perception and see he is squeezing her hand so hard his soul stresses and leaks into her soul giving her some weapon regeneration. Soon it is like a snake around her soul, her hand webs together. I blink and my eye sight goes back to normal. My father tells them to being Marie and Azusa. I sit hter drinking tea while my fast he takes call and death scythe quickly goes to Chupa Cabras. Now it is me and my father in the room all till spirit gets here or the others. "So kid..." My father says. "Yes father?" "Did you get curtains for your mirror?" My father ask me. I blush and say "no". "You should invest in some curtains" my father says to me. "Why do you say this?" I say sarcastically. "Three time kid! Three times kid!!" My father hold up his hands up and does three fingers. "Well stop calling at midnight" I say. We end up arguing until Sid, stein and spirit come in to see me and my father wrestling and he is out of his robe. I quickly get out of a head lock and look at them. "Oh, hi" say cheery. My father recomposing himself he walks over to them. "Yes this is my human form." He twirls. He walks over to his tea table and he moves his hand tracing the table then magic engulfs the table and alcohol and chips appear on the table. "It is a bachelor party isn't it?" I say. All of them walk up and get a drink. Me and my father get a cup of vodka while the other just get beer. "Wow lord death and kid, I didn't know you guys were heavy drinkers." Steins says. "No, we just want to be on the same level with you guys you." I correct. We sit down. We sat there chatting about missions then I say. We all were just siting happily until maka runs in. "Hi ma..." She kisses me then run out. I look at them confused. "I don't know, just let's keep talking" Sid says. I sit down then spirit says. "Let's have an Ab contest!" All of us agree then all of us take off our shirts. Surprisingly stein has the most abs. "Wow stein what do you work out everyday?" Spirit says. He is obviously drunk already. "He already drunk, is there anyway to sober him fastly?" Sid asked. "Oh, I know!" My father says as he gets up and grabs one of his big gloves. He hold it up beside spirit. "Reaper chop!" He says not moving the glove. He jumps away and says "sorry lord death" already sober. "Wait! What did I do?" He asked. "Oh, we were just trying to sober you up" my father says. They both sit down. "How is it that you sober up so quickly when threatened?" Sid asked. "Kami hated seeing me drunk so I just learned" he refers to his old wife kami. We all get up because my father puts on music. We dance for awhile until I realize then time. "Hey dad" I say. "Yes kid?" He looks at me. "Do you know where maka is I want to say goodnight" I tell him. "Aww! You two will be such a cute couple, she is at Azusa's house." My father says. I blush but on the mirror I dial in Azusa's house number. We all wait watching. We all nosebleed because a room full of girls topless touching each others boobs. I wave my hand and the call ends. We all get up all having nose blood on us. Even my father saw that as hot. I always thought he was a man that was well preserved but he is a actually a being with feelings! I know this is stupid but he was always respected and honoured like around me. We all get up and wipe our nosebleeds. I was gonna get some chips until. "Ah!" I feel this sharp pain in my hand. "Ah! My hand! It hurts!" I hold my hand hoping if I squeeze it it will go away. "It's getting worse!" It feels like needles going through my hand while they are on fire. Soon is just stops. I look up at my father with tears in my eyes and ask him. "What was that?" My voice cracks because I was just screaming. He extend his hand and helps me up with a yank of my hand. I am standing weakly. "Looks like maka set off her marking, good thing you only bit her on her hand, if it was anywhere else it would have hurt more" my father says to me. I look at my hand. Soon stein grabs my hand as soon as his hand touched mine he jumps back. "Ah! OH LORD WHAT WAS THAT!" stein says as he stands away from me. "Why what did you see stein?" Spirit asked. "Maka flashed around his soul and she growled at me for touching his hand, she looked like she would kill me for looking at him" stein said in shock. "A true marking where she marked on you too" my father says. "Let me see" my father grabs my hand and puts his left hand over mine. Soon I see my mother growling at me and saying "stay away from him" both of us pull back our hands. "I am guessing you saw Mai?" My father asks. "Yeah, I never saw her like that, I only saw her weak and frail when I was born" I say remembering it. "Maka really looked like see would kill for you, she is strong I have no doubt that she will survive the venom" he says. "What does she look like?" I say. I want to see this. "Well she just stands in front of your soul until someone touches your hand, where you marked her and then she will growl and say to get away, but when a reaper snake that is around you soul Coe,s around she will flinch and move. I can tell. I want to try something kid, can you just look at Mai, your mother, she will notice it is you can you can talk to her even though she is in shinigami territory, where the other shinigami's are." All the others are wonder what he is trying, I am wondering that too. I grab his hand and he hold on my hand tightly. I see my mother standing there until she noticed me. I stand still and she walks up to me. She recoils eh hand to go into a punch until she is about a centimetre away from my face she drops and holds her neck. I go and help her up. She hugs me. "Kid, it's you! I love you and I hope you know I wish I could be there to raise you" she says with tears brimming her eyes. "Dad misses you too, he hides in his robe all day, I love him and he misses you, can you please contact his through the mirror? I know you can do that, you are a strong shinigami and I know that. Just like I am." I tell her wanting my father to see mom. Soon I get jerk out of there and we both fall.
{lord deaths Pov}
I grab my son's hand hoping I will see maka again. I see her and she notices me. She comes to me and do coins her hand, I just wait for her to punch me. She almost punches me until I soul force her. She stays still. She doesn't go flying she stays. She opens her eyes and double green. Her eyes double coloured like mine and kids. She stands still and says. "Why did you soul force me? There is no use, see, I have the soul power of a shinigami because of my gregorian soul. I am basically an angel." She says to me. I drop and my neck hurts.
{Kid's P.O.V.}
I fall and see my father. There we are both on the ground and he is holding his neck, just like mom did. Mine and his eyes widen and mine and my fares eyes glow. I can tell my eyes are glowing because I see the light golden rim around everything I look. My father claps and it gets bright again. "Sorry guys the DWMA turns off all the lights at night." I blink and my eyes stop glowing. "Dad why was my eyes glowing?" I ask my father. "It is just because shinigami's natural domain is night so out eyes glow at night or when it is dark" he says calmly. I look down and I see my hand glowing. "Now why the hell is my hand glowing?!?!" I ask my father. I am getting really pissed with this shinigami crap! "It is just glowing because it was activated, and calm down I know being a shinigami is stressful but it is worth it to be a god by birth. You are as powerful as stein by the time you were 10, you were strong from the start." My father says to me. He snaps his fingers and beds appear in the death room. We lay down and I go to sleep.

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