The wedding

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|Author here!| I don't give a damn on how you feel about the spiritxlorddeath thing, I am gonna add it in. Fuck you if you don't like it! Plus I will add some more shinigami folk lore. I like creating god like abilities and amazing story and legends with gods!
Plus I put a song that shows love so, that could be kid singing to maka, if you want, but it is a song I really love this song.

{Kid's pov}
I wake up in a big fluffy bed. I wake up with no shirt on, and with all the adult men looking at me. I get up and look at my father confused. "Where is my shirt?" I ask. "Well kid, when you woke up, I found you chewing on the mirror. I asked you what you were doing, waking the others up, and you simply said, 'I was becoming a shinigami' then you jumped down from the mirror and ripped off your shirt and yelled that you love maka then passed out." He said. I did what!!! Dear lord was I that drunk? I look at my fathers mirror to see a huge bite mark on it. I start laughing because that sound very funny. "Kiddo, why are you laughing?" Spirit asks. "There a huge bite mark on the mirror, and I don't remember any of this" I say laughing every once in a while during this statement. "Well you guys should eat and I need to get kid ready for the wedding, spirit can you check if everything is going okay?" My dad says. They all leave and i am in the death room with my father. "Kiddo can you get into this outfit." He hands me a tux. He turn around. I quickly get changed and I tell him he can turn around again. He points his finger at something and it levitates towards us. It looks like a box. He says to open it. I open it and I see two rings, there like mine but they have gold where the holds are and on one there is white wings at the back. He picks the one with wings up. "This one is maka's, it is the death mask but it also has gregorian wings for her family." He says. "I thought only maka has it, how is it a family thing?" I ask. "Well, there is one thing maka doesn't know about herself yet, her family, one her father's side, are angels. Spirit is a weak angel like maka, they aren't 'real' angels, they don't have powers but they have special souls." He tells me. He puts maka's ring down. He grabs the other. "This is yours, it is like your others,but, this one is plated with gold because wedding rings usually have are gold." He tells me. He puts the other ring down then I close the box. He grabs my death mask brooch then adjust it on my tux where the tie usually is. He grabs a brush and starts combing my hair. He then grabs his cloak and puts it on. As he is putting in his gloves and getting then comfy I grab his mask and look through it. Soon I see a bunch of information. I see records on everyone and soul counts on all the weapons. I see spirit and he has 198 Kishin souls and 2 witch souls. 'Wow her can be death scythe twice!' I think. Soon I see my father laughing at me with his mask up on my face. "Kiddo that is too big for you, you mask can have all the data on it, I can give you that info, but can you putt down my mask?" My father says like he is hiding something. "Father why are you being so defensive of you mask?" I say stepping away form him with the mask on my face. "Kiddo hand it here!" He says. I use my speed to run away from him. Soon we are playing tag but if I get catches I will be in trouble. He is slower because he is in his robe. Soon I see a folder that says. "do you want to enter something in you diary?" It says I front of my face. I click yes and I see there is folders in his diary. Work, arachnophobia tracking, gallow manor. This all seems normal until I see 'spirit'?!?!?! I open the folder and I see pictures of him, little entries that say he is dreamy, caring and a good lover!!!! Holy fuck! did I just read that! I X out of that and soon as I do that I get tackled from my father. 'Crap he caught me! The mask flies off my face as I fall. Soon my father moves and catches it. He puts on his mask and i was about to ask him but then spirit comes in. "Hey lord death, the wedding is going good. Everything is perfect." He says to my father. "Good" my father says to him. He goes over to me. He leans down and says. "Will explain about spirit later, now go marry you bride" he says. I smile remembering that today is my wedding day. I walk up to the alter with my father I stand on right side of it and my father stands in the middle because he will Marry us. I stand there and the wedding march comes on. I am really excited. I am basically jumping on the inside. My father puts his hand on my shoulder and leans in and says "calm down" I relax. Soon spirit and maka come down the isle. She gets to the front and I walk up to them. She unlinked her arm from spirit and takes my hand. We walk together to my father. (I am gonna skip the vows) "Maka do you take Death do be you husband?" My fathers asks her. "Yes" she says. "Death, do you take Maka Albarn to be your wife?" My father asks me. "yes" I says. A cheer erupts from the crowd. "You may now kiss the bride" my father says to me. As soon as he says that I grab maka and kiss her. I step back and I hug her almost lifting her off the ground. I don't realize I am shinigami strength squeezing her and she says weakly. "Kid, I can't breath" I put her down and I say sorry. She hugs me and then looks at our two fathers standing together. I hear slightly that my father is gonna tell me about them to spirit and he just blushes. He looks at me but I avert my eyes and just look at maka looking at her ring. I grab the hand I bit her on and look at the scar. "Does it still hurt?" I ask her. "No, surprisingly it stopped hurting after my father gave me weapon regeneration." She tells me. I kiss the scar and then our friends, (except soul) come up to us and congratulation us. Tsubaki looks at the wedding rings and Liz and patty pat me on the back and say 'there Meister finally grown up' they stop teasing us and my father gets people's attention and calls me and maka up to the front. I see a huge cake and I know what that means. We walk up together and I stand beside my father and maka. He gives maka a knife and she cuts into the humongous cake. Soon she puts a slice on the cake and she grabs it with her hand and. *bam* it is all over my face. I have my eyes close my eyes but I lift my finger and I. *Smush* it is all over her face when I wipe off my eyes. Soon she is grabbing more cake and she is running toward me with the cake. I run towards her and I grab the cake out of her hands and I. Pick her up and put her on my back. I spring off the earth and I am basically flying until I conjure Beelzebub. I shout down to my dad. "Me and maka are going back to gallows manor!" Soon me and maka are out of sight form the dwma. "Hey maka" I says to her. "Yes kid?" She asks me. "Do you know the relationship between my father and your father?" I ask her wondering if she knows. "I think they are just work buddies." She says. Hmmmm.... I wonder how long they have been 'lovers' ewwwww! Just thinking of my father that way makes me gag. We land and I put down maka and we walk into the mansion.

Do you guys like it and one more thing my brother started writing fanfictions, if you could, can you guys just check it out? It is called hold on for life, but you have to tag SOKI

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