Planing for they party

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Author here! I hope you guys like it! Should I do kid's bachelor party next?
{Maka's pov}
I wake up to my boyfriend/fiancé cuddling up to him. I stretch and get into my new outfit. Kid wakes up and I eat some cereal. He eats a protein bar. We start heading to school and we hold hands and I have two reaper skull rings one on both hands. We walk together and I sit up by tsubaki since I am no longer with soul. "Hey maka" tsubaki says. " Hey tsubaki, how are you?" I ask. "Good, you" she asks. "I am nervous, about what is happening in the death room right now" I say. "Why what's wrong?" She ask concerned. "I will tell you outside come with me" I say getting up. All the faculty know about the wedding so I have the power of a Death. It is just before class and I pass stein. He whispers in my ear. "Telling her? Act as if you two are late I will say you have detention but you know you don't." I walk out class with tsubaki I wait till everyone clears the halls. "So what did you want to tell me in private?" She ask. "You know how me and kid live together in gallows manor?" I ask her. "Yes carry on" she say. "Well we became boyfriend and girlfriend but we didn't know how you guys would react, but apparently lord death approved of me and my father and lord death are making me into a death. The wedding is in a week, it will only consist of my friends and faculty because kid is close to the faculty." I tell her very fast because I am nervous on how she will react. She comes in and hugs me. "Why didn't you tell me? I will always except you" she says. "Let's go back into class, stein said to just put on an act but we won't be in trouble because all the faculty knows about the wedding and I have the power of a member of the death family." I tell her. I open the door and walk in. "Detention for you two, but maka" he says. "Yes professor stein?" I ask him. "You were called to the death room" he tells me. He leans in a whispers in my ear. "Being you friends there just wait in the hall, only tsubaki, Liz and patty right?" "Yes thanks stein" I tell him quietly. "Anything for the new bride." He tells me. I walk out blushing I wait.
{in steins class}
"Tsubaki, Liz, patty, and BlackStar come up here. I want to show how weapons are stronger than meisters." He says. The girl weapons stand in a line. "BlackStar soul force him, then soul force, hmm, oxford!" Stein says. Oxford comes down then stands beside the girls. BlackStar gets ready to soul force all of them. He charges a huge force that will hit them all. "BLACKSTAR BIG WAVE!!!!!" He yells charging up. The huge blue orb comes shooting from his palm and he falls and pants. The weapons all stand as Oxford goes down in a ball of pain. "Girls you guys can go to the death room and get inspected by death-scythe Spirit." The two Meister boys go back up to their seats and the girl weapons leave.
{normal P.O.V.}
Back outside the in the hall maka waits for the girls. They come out with burn marks on them but they are in no pain. "You guys okay?!" Maka asks concerned. "Yes we are fine, we are weapons, he told us to go the death room to see death-scythe Spirit." Tsubaki says. "Oh, it is because he knows you guys will be with me, come I need to see lord death about me and kiddo kun, but he said being your friends." Maka tells them. The four girls head to the death room together talking about random shit girls talk about. "We're here! We're here!" Patty chants. Maka opens the doors to the death room. As they walk in they see kid, lord death, and spirit. "Hi kid!" Maka says as she runs up to him and knocks him down. Se kisses him on the forehead and then gets up. "Nice to see you too maka" he says brushing off his blazor. "Okay the reason I wanted you guys here was maka needs a bachelorette party, but no intimate things with maka, it will bring her painful spasms. Kid you have marked her as you own right?" Lord death says. "No" kid says. He walks up to maka then grabs her hand then brings her hand up to his mouth. Maka thought he was gonna kiss her hand until. *Crunch* kid bites down really hard onto her wrist. Maka drops and holds her hand crying in pain. Kid just looks down at her with blood on his face. "Now she is marked as mine" he says to his father casually. "Kiddo, you have her blood on you" he said and pointed at his face. He face Liz, patty and tsubaki. "Can you help me get this off Liz?" He asks showing his blood stained face. Tsubaki is by maka comforting her. Liz grabs her jacket and takes it off wiping the blood off his face with the Grey sweater. She putts it back on and you can't see the blood. Spirit walks over to maka. "Let me see you hand" he says nicely. "No" she says. "Let me see it now" he demands. Maka agrees because she had never really seen this part of her father. He puts the small hand on his big palm of his hand. 'His hand is so warm' maka thinks. Spirit puts both his hands over her hand. He squeezes it so hard some of his weapon regeneration go into her. 'It feels like a warm blanket over my hand' she thinks. He takes his hands off hers and her hand is looks next to perfect except the bite mark on her hand. Spirit wipes the blood off his hands onto his pants. "So now that maka is kid's she can have a bachelorette party, she will have kid's credit card which has at least 20k or more, and Marie and Azusa will join you because they can get you in places you guys can't normally go because of their death scythe status. Plus they are fun" lord death says.

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