Relentless power?

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|Normal pov|
Spirit asks maka. "How are you?" "I am good" maka replies. "Okay, now that we have greeted each other, I need to talk serious. First me and spirit are more than work buddie, but that is not important. Maka, tell me, do you want to become a shinigami?" Lord death says. "Yes" maka says happily. "It will happen on Monday, so your friends could be with you" lord death says with a smile. "Here maka, get a new wardrobe. That doesn't look good on you, bring your papa" lord death says to maka as he hands her his credit card. Maka walks out flustered with spirit. "So father, why are we just here in the death room?" Kid asked lord death. "Kid, I need to ask you of a favour, will you marry me and spirit? It will just be a secret wedding. I just want to have a marry to show I am committed to him for this past year. I am gunna purpose tomorrow." Lord death said to kid. "Well of coarse I will Marry my father!" Kid says excitedly and hugs his amazing father. "Kid I love you so much, I couldn't imagine if you didn't accept me" lord death says. "Dad, I love you too, I will always love you. Never ever think different of that" kid says. After they stopped hugging a knock on the door is heard. Kid opens the door with his magic. "I got clothing but lord death," maka says. "Yes maka?" Lord death says. Maka runs up with all her speed and knocks him over. And is pinning him to the ground. "Please call me daughter, because I will only call you dad for two reasons" maka says. "And what is those two reasons?" Lord death says. "Well for one you are my dad in-law and you make papa happy and I will be honoured to meet someone that makes my papa happy and you can't be called papa because he is called that so you are called dad" maka says as she kisses the 'cheek' of his mask. She gets up. She walks over to kid. She leans against kid. Spirit kisses maka on the head. "I love you maka" he says after kissing her forehead. Maka looks up at her papa. She pulls out both of her pigtails. First she pulls her hair up in one symmetrical ponytail in the back then jumps up at spirit and pulls his hair up into an identical pony tail. "Maka what are you doing?" Kid asked. Lord death leans down to his sons level. "There gonna do something and I don't have a good feeling about this." He says to kid. in unison both spirit and maka say together. "Who pulls it off better?" They says looking at the one there dating. "Maka looks at them both. "Say the wrong answer and you will get hurt by me and papa, this rules goes to you dad" maka says. "Maka" kid says "spirit" lord death says. Maka looks at lord death and spirit looks at kid. "Wrong answer" they says in unison. Spirit half forms and starts to run at kid as maka charges a soul force and runs towards lord death. Maka hits him with the soul force and spirit hits kid down the arm only enough to scar the surface. The back up and run over to the one they love to love. "Kid you Kay?" Maka says. "Death, are healing fine?" Spirit asked. The two shinigami's stood up. "You two are very confusing!" Lord death says. "I can agree with that!" Kid says. Maka gets up and yawns. Soon after spirit yawns. "Looks like the humans are tired." Lord death said. Kid picks up maka. Bridal style and walks all the way home with an asleep maka in his hands.
{Time skip to Monday}
So maka and kid arrive and sit down in class. "Hi professor stein" maka says happily. "Hello maka" stein says. Maka sits up by her husband and his two pistols. "Okay, before we start our lesson, can the married couple in the class and there friends please go to the death room" stein says. Maka and kid arose from there seats blushing. They get up and get down to the bottom of the class. They look behind them and BlackStar, tsubaki, Liz and patty start to come down from there seat. Soon all of then get out of the class. "Hey maka, what's happening?" Tsubaki asks. "Maka is becoming a shinigami" kid says for her. Soon the group arrives at the death room. Kid uses his magic and when they open the door they see spirit and lord death kissing. Lord death turns and says, "hiya! Good to see you! How's it hanging" "Hi dad, papa" maka says to the two men. "Hi maka" spirit says. "So maka, do you know how you become a shinigami?" Lord death asks. "No, kid has never told me." Maka replies. kid looks at her in regret. "If kid can't, I will." Lord death says. Spirit watches as lord death walks up to maka. He slowly pins her to the ground. Holding her down so she can't get up. Maka looks up at her papa in fear. Kid leans down by her. "Maka I love you" kid says as he closes in on her neck. Soon he uses his teeth and bites into her with a lot of force. He bites into her neck and let's venom go into her. He gets up and has tears on her. Soon maka screams in pain. She shakes and screams her lungs out. Spirit looks at his daughter in so much pain. Kid cries knowing he inflicted that on her. Soon the gash on her neck as it seals with a black scab. Her screams of pain stop and she stops breathing. Spirit watches in horror. "She isn't breathing! Death so something!" Spirit yells. "Spirit calm down, shinigami's don't breath" lord death says calmly. Maka's yes close and soon her pulse stops. Kid gets on one knee and just waits for her yes to open. Soon a magic engulf her. After the blinding magic disappears maka is in a black dress, her hair up with black bows and she has boobs. Her eyes flutter open to reveal two majestic double green eyes. She sits up. Her face stained with tears and her face blank like kids use to be. Soon a beautiful smile graces her face. She gets up. She goes and hugs him. "Ma-maka, too tight" kid says being squeezed to tight. "Maka you have an insane amount of strength now, you need to get used to it" lord death says as he approaches her. "Hug me" he says looking down at maka. "Maka slowly hugs him. She didn't hear any whimpers or cries of pain. She looks at him. "Did I hurt you?" She says cautionly. "No, you did not hurt me maka" he says calmly. She goes to walk over to her friends but on e she takes a step she is running at a speed faster that BlackStar. She runs around the death room until she slams into the big mirror. "Oww, is there anything else I need to get use to?" She says groaning and getting up. "Yes, you magic" kid says. "Kid, I don't know how to use magic" she say a little pissed off at all this new stuff she need to get used to. "It's easy, point, and think of the object levitating" kid says levitating patty. "Ha! this is fun!" Patty says giggling. Kid puts her down. "Maka you try it." Kid says. "She points at a tea cup. She closes her eyes and imagines it levitating. She opens her eyes to see it levitating. "Good Job maka!" Spirit says. "Maka you guys can go back to class. They all leave. Maka, kid, tsubaki, BlackStar, Liz and patty come in. Maka takes her seat next to kid. The lessons finished and the bell rings. They go to leave. "So maka, how are you?" Stein says to her. "I good, just I don't appreciate all the new stuff I need to learn" maka says. Kid calls her and she follows her to their lockers. "I have gym" kid says. "I have shinigami 101" maka says. "Good luck" kid says as he grabs his gym strip. Maka walks into the class and sits next to Kim. "Hi kim" maka says. "Woah, what happened to your neck" Kim says. "Oh, that's where kid bite me" she says as she touches it. Just before Kim was gunna asked about it Naigus comes in. "Hi class, we are gunna talk about shinigami magic but before lord death told me there is a new death and they became a shinigami just last block" Naigus says. Everyone murmurs and wonders who just turned into a shinigami. Kim looks at maka. "I wonder who the new shinigami is?" Kim says to maka. "Oh, I know" maka says. "Who?" Kim says. "I am" maka says. "Lord death says it was okay to tell who it was, they are in our class" Naigus says. "Who is it!" Ox ford says. "Maka" Naigus says looking at maka. Maka blushes at all the eyes on her. "Maka can you come down and I will tell you how to do the magic, you demonstrate." Naigus says. Maka jumps down from the top row all the way to the bottom of the class where Naigus is. She lands down there softly and everyone gawking how she did a jump that no human would survive. "Okay, close your eyes and imagine a cup and point to a place on the ground" Naigus says. Maka does exactly what she said and soon a cup appears on the ground. "Good job maka, you just conjured something" Naigus says. The whole class claps. After maka doing a few spells the bell rings. The whole class come down and crowds maka. It overwhelms her and a big purple light emits from maka and everyone back away. Soon spirit, kid and lord death runs in there at top speed. Kid rushes over to maka and hugs her. Spirit Is there comforting her. Lord death goes over to Naigus. "What happend, why did she send off a distress signal?" Lord death says calmly. "The whole class surrounded her and asked her a lot of questions, I guess it overwhelmed her" Naigus says. Maka gets up and her eyes are blue which means scared. "Maka it's okay, they where just curious" spirit says. Lord death shinigami runs off then spirit turns his legs into scythes and he starts to levitates and goes off really fast. Kid helps maka up to her feet. "Let's go to the the death room and have some tea" kid says he runs off and maka shortly runs off at insane speeds.

Is it good? I hope so! If you have any suggestions please tell me in the comments. Love you guys!

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